no i am just will not admit it.anyway i am now going to put you on my ignore you list before either of us get banned.

as easye sighs out loudly yet again.....................


oh forget it,

you have been struck of my greetings for christmas list now anyway.......

Earl grey is the finest tea available. That is a fact. As a builder Im fully qualified to make that assertion.:D

Then please explain why the term 'builders tea' is used to describe near any type of tea except Earl Gay? :your_wrong: :D:D
Then please explain why the term 'builders tea' is used to describe near any type of tea except Earl Gay? :your_wrong: :D:D

tea in my house is either strong forgot and left it stew or lumpy milk is off. But ther is nothing better than a cup brewed tea bag in cup of tea. pg is the fav at mo because im like vag i like monkey's
now that is a piece of **** :eek:

In 13 pages of Mary Mother of God in A Burning Sidecar WTF??? James' statement is true fact.

I almost threw up when I saw that Disco.almost.

There might well be some lovely bits of engineering to get the Disco looking like that, but it doesn't look "right" somehow (shudders..)

Ford's Supervans looked mighty fine; they'd altered the Transit porportions a little :cool:
tea in my house is either strong forgot and left it stew or lumpy milk is off. But ther is nothing better than a cup brewed tea bag in cup of tea. pg is the fav at mo because im like vag i like monkey's
and that my friend, is why my kettle is boiling as I type....
we dont leave it too long, as mrs & I dont like strong tea, but prefur the monkeys finest.
small point.
we once bought one cup pg, some strange difference, fresh or something,
eeeyuk.. they was horrid..

normal pg, 1 bag each in the cup = nice tea for us..

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