I also said

pictures of lowered landies of all types are 2 a penny now,
its called customising - so I been told,
drag racing chopped series has been done before also, its not knew is it,
nor is bobbed landies, tray backs, and even I dare say roofless & window less discos, if you got enough steel in a roll cage..

maybe we should all be called luke today..
""luke,you have to realise,this is landyzone,not benicetomezone.you will get all or as much help as you will ever need on this forum,but understand you have got to join in with the banter as well.it is all done with good intentions,it is to see what you are like,ie a dummy spitter,or a bloke who can take the jokes/abuse and still come back for more and dish it out as well.:D

Hi Luke....LOL....
I also said

pictures of lowered landies of all types are 2 a penny now,
its called customising - so I been told,
drag racing chopped series has been done before also, its not knew is it,
nor is bobbed landies, tray backs, and even I dare say roofless & window less discos, if you got enough steel in a roll cage..

ok,on THIS thread show me where you have said any of that.:rolleyes:
I also said

pictures of lowered landies of all types are 2 a penny now,
its called customising - so I been told,
drag racing chopped series has been done before also, its not knew is it,
nor is bobbed landies, tray backs, and even I dare say roofless & window less discos, if you got enough steel in a roll cage..

easye you just added that lot on after we started this,not a nice thing to do that bud.:mad:
wow. Interesting thread, me thinks someone is well muddled lol (not you gems)

yes i know flat.now that other person has added more to his answers to make it look like he said something that he had not.someone is not being very truthful are they.gone down in my estimation now.:rolleyes:
yes i know flat.now that other person has added more to his answers to make it look like he said something that he had not.someone is not being very truthful are they.gone down in my estimation now.:rolleyes:

yeah i saw he added stuff and i can testify in your defence lol that he added it after the thread went weird.......

only one way to resolve it

yeah i saw he added stuff and i can testify in your defence lol that he added it after the thread went weird.......

only one way to resolve it


i know,but why not just admit you fecked up.that way no one thinks you are a lying cnut that way.:rolleyes:
i know,but why not just admit you fecked up.that way no one thinks you are a lying cnut that way.:rolleyes:
you really are becoming abusive today arnt you lad....
think what you like, as I dont give a fcuk either way,
I`m far too old to be brought down to your level today.

as in the pm,
I just think to say something and do it,
if I missed something out, I add,
you see that little button that says edit, guess it worked eh..
as regarding your schoolmaster style of "caught out"


are you so much anal to pm me with that................lol
as regarding your schoolmaster style of "caught out"


are you so much anal to pm me with that................lol

you are the anal one you drivelling person.as for the lad,i am not that far behind you.just admit that you got it wrong,ie you quoted the wrong thread.or shut up.or better still go back to posting the drivel you normally post.ie cos i is old or my disco is on blocks etc etc.lol
you are the anal one you drivelling person.as for the lad,i am not that far behind you.just admit that you got it wrong,ie you quoted the wrong thread.or shut up.or better still go back to posting the drivel you normally post.ie cos i is old or my disco is on blocks etc etc.lol

Its what old people do pal,
I like drivel,
I got all day long to post drivel like this if you want,
now accept that I do things the way I do things,
as opposed to me doing things the way you may well want me to do things..

because I dont.

LOL... drivel, caught out -- jeez......lol

its a ****ty friday, its pi$$ing down outside,
and do you really think I give a fcuk about just how YOU want me to do/act/say/be in life...........lol....

oh dear.....lol

Its what old people do pal,
I like drivel,
I got all day long to post drivel like this if you want,
now accept that I do things the way I do things,
as opposed to me doing things the way you may well want me to do things..

because I dont.

LOL... drivel, caught out -- jeez......lol

its a ****ty friday, its pi$$ing down outside,
and do you really think I give a fcuk about just how YOU want me to do/act/say/be in life...........lol....

oh dear.....lol

listen,PAL.lol.i could not give a flying feck what you do or do not do.you carry on drivelling,dribbling or ****ting your self.i could not care less.do as you want,post what you want where you want.just dont lie about it.wriggle wriggle.:rolleyes:
listen,PAL.lol.i could not give a flying feck what you do or do not do.you carry on drivelling,dribbling or ****ting your self.i could not care less.do as you want,post what you want where you want.just dont lie about it.wriggle wriggle.:rolleyes:
your begining to throw your toys out now,
thought your dummy loss would stop you, but alas no...

sad lad.. you just cant let it go, like a pre menstrul women does..

your begining to throw your toys out now,
thought your dummy loss would stop you, but alas no...

sad lad.. you just cant let it go, like a pre menstrul women does..


well you keep pm ing me like a retard would do.as for a pre menstrual woman i think that fits you to a tee as you are plainly a cnut.:doh::your_wrong::frusty:
I'm considering merging this with another ramdon thread in the hope that it'll make more sense :rolleyes:
your begining to throw your toys out now,
thought your dummy loss would stop you, but alas no...

sad lad.. you just cant let it go, like a pre menstrul women does..


you know gems, I think I found your problem..


pi55ed off disco td5 owner.

VERY pi$$ed off in life I guess..
you know gems, I think I found your problem..


pi55ed off disco td5 owner.

VERY pi$$ed off in life I guess..

not in the slightest cocker,ha ha.i am ****ed of with my disco td5,but in life i am as happy as can be.next peurile insult.:rolleyes:

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