OK, so after 2 weeks in hospital, they finally decided that although I'm not fixed, I am not in any danger so they decided that I shouldn't be taking up a bed. I told them this a week ago but hey ho.
Still no idea what the problem is but thankfully it does seem to be slowly clearing up by itself.
During checking they found an enlarged node in my chest and took a biopsy yesterday so hoping to god its not cancer.
That all said, onto things more RR related.
get well soon :)
Well its been wild rain and wind for days,
Had to pick up cars also lifted the rear of the body on a 2010 3.0 tdv6 sport for a rear ace bar the owner buys and sells a few motors here and there and the mrs said that she really wants it to his reply everythings got a price :rolleyes:

also refused to put fuel in and suffer the weather and get blown away for as long as possible 😅

iv actually found somthing i preferred about my td6 too the supercharged changing the starter motor, that was a tight ackward top bolt many swear words was uttered ( im 5ft10 and 68kgs) so hardly big built and it was a fiddle
Police blocked the main road here, where the stream floods into the road. It wasn't deep and was receding.. but you know.. flowing water is dangerous and all that
Yet they managed to not block it all day when it was much deeper🤪
They probably did it to prevent a Rufford ford scenario.

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