Followed your advice, took longer to get the tools out than it did to change the things. Gunned off the bolts, ARB dropped down, new bushes, bish bash bosh.
Did you use rubber bushes or poly?
I've had poly's on mine for about 5yr now and still solid. 👍
OK, so after 2 weeks in hospital, they finally decided that although I'm not fixed, I am not in any danger so they decided that I shouldn't be taking up a bed. I told them this a week ago but hey ho.
Still no idea what the problem is but thankfully it does seem to be slowly clearing up by itself.
During checking they found an enlarged node in my chest and took a biopsy yesterday so hoping to god its not cancer.
That all said, onto things more RR related.
Went to the unit today as I wanted to put it inside to dry it out for a few days as its soggy on the passenger side. Pretty sure sunroof drains are blocked so that's a job for when I'm fit. Some recommend strimmer cord, others suggest compressed air. Anyone got any insight?
Also, front end was on bump stops and battery was totally dead. (there are two new bags for the rear but not the front I think grrr)
Battery is pretty new by the looks of it so my guess is that one of the reasons for sale is parasitic drain.
That said, jump leads on it for 5 minutes off the pickup and it fired up clean as a whistle.
She's inside now fully opened up until she's dry then hopefully I'll be fit enough to tackle all the jobs.

I used thick garden wire. MrGorsky used an old fencing foil from underneath! I wouldn't use an airline initially in case the pressure pops something off.
Missus drove through a flooded road and "noticed a grinding noise after a few miles so stopped in case she knackered the engine". I don't know what she hit in that flood but the tyre is FUBAR'ed and I fear for the rim. That's an AT tyre too.

Went to my mums today and when I came out noticed the front right sagging again. On start up indicating trying to raise. The air bag joint leaking again. Pushed in and everything up and away again. The pipe is tight into the bag and not enough slack to trim it of and refit. Have a length of the 6mm pipe so will run a new complete piece to the bag in the morning. Its all under the bonnet so shouldn't be too much trouble :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Heated mirrors don't work :( such a first world problem, but that's because many this works countries are warmer and don't need them!!

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