Sometimes it’s sounds like a right faff to fix something that has lasted 20yrs?
for the sake of a couple of O rings :vb-confused2:
If it’s the matrix that is the issue I don’t know the cost difference.

I fitted new genuine LR O rings last year, I suspect the matrix has gone now. I had a nice chat with Titch last night and you can replace the matrix without removing the dash and as time and weather is against me soon and I've no hvac issues otherwise ,then I'm going for the shortcut fit with a nissens matrix.
I got the steering lock sorted now, he miss quoted me, he said £90 on the phone I get there, and he asked for £300 I knew he didn't quote me the right price, £90 was way too cheap, I couldn't get the key to turn it over, I have breakdown cover with my car insurance, rang Green Flag, turns out I don't have home start cover, but managed to get a tow with the RAC my son has cover with his bank! This was all on Monday..... today the wife goes out, and she's at the shops, and she can't turn the key, so she walks home...... I have to go to the car to see what's going on, turns out the steering lock is ON, all she had to do was move the steering wheel, and it would have started, now she says the lights aren't working, everyone was flashing at her (she had her high beams on)
Uncovered him and checked the dehumidifier and trickle charger. Both doing well.
Substitution testing with the relays, if they are dodgy we should now get EAS or ABS errors but still have fuel and ignition. Ran him briefly but unable to take for a test drive yet.
I got the steering lock sorted now, he miss quoted me, he said £90 on the phone I get there, and he asked for £300 I knew he didn't quote me the right price, £90 was way too cheap, I couldn't get the key to turn it over, I have breakdown cover with my car insurance, rang Green Flag, turns out I don't have home start cover, but managed to get a tow with the RAC my son has cover with his bank! This was all on Monday..... today the wife goes out, and she's at the shops, and she can't turn the key, so she walks home...... I have to go to the car to see what's going on, turns out the steering lock is ON, all she had to do was move the steering wheel, and it would have started, now she says the lights aren't working, everyone was flashing at her (she had her high beams on)
Life’s trials
I got the steering lock sorted now, he miss quoted me, he said £90 on the phone I get there, and he asked for £300 I knew he didn't quote me the right price, £90 was way too cheap, I couldn't get the key to turn it over, I have breakdown cover with my car insurance, rang Green Flag, turns out I don't have home start cover, but managed to get a tow with the RAC my son has cover with his bank! This was all on Monday..... today the wife goes out, and she's at the shops, and she can't turn the key, so she walks home...... I have to go to the car to see what's going on, turns out the steering lock is ON, all she had to do was move the steering wheel, and it would have started, now she says the lights aren't working, everyone was flashing at her (she had her high beams on)

If only everything was as reliable as a Volkswagen!

Makes a twenty year old P38 suddenly seem a lot less hassle!

How's the Series 2?
anyone ever bother with premium diesel? its cheaper than shop bought additives which are generally considered snakeoil.
seen youtube videos where folks do before/after videos on additives, but never fuel.
does it actually clean, or 'help maintain' an already clean system?
anyone ever bother with premium diesel? its cheaper than shop bought additives which are generally considered snakeoil.
seen youtube videos where folks do before/after videos on additives, but never fuel.
does it actually clean, or 'help maintain' an already clean system?
The cost/benefit ratio doesn't stack up IMO.
anyone ever bother with premium diesel? its cheaper than shop bought additives which are generally considered snakeoil.
seen youtube videos where folks do before/after videos on additives, but never fuel.
does it actually clean, or 'help maintain' an already clean system?
My audi defo ran better on premium. Enough to justify the price? Not sure
That could just be extra lubrication though? We're benefits still felt on the next tank of regular?
If not then in my opinion it's not doing anything worthwhile
Yes and no tbh. I used a tank of premium every 3rd or 4th fill. You could tell it was due

Only used it after being recommended by a VAG specialist on top of the forte egr cleaner. Kept emissions light off for over 3yrs 👍🏻
Yes and no tbh. I used a tank of premium every 3rd or 4th fill. You could tell it was due

Only used it after being recommended by a VAG specialist on top of the forte egr cleaner. Kept emissions light off for over 3yrs 👍🏻
i'll have to put £5 premium in then and drive round for a bit :D
Past few mornings found front drivers side air bag fully down. Took eas relay out last night and still down today. Soapy water time and found bubbling at the collet where air line goes in. Have ordered some new O rings to try before changing bag which is only 41/2 yrs old and done about 14000 miles. Thinking back couple weeks ago had to change front tyres as one was damaged. Could hitting pothole or such like cause problems. Any thoughts much appreciated :)
its amazing what you find when finally get annoyed with the drawer that wont shut properly!
I have a P38 ABS sensor, unused (STC2786 autotec) if anyone is in need @Flossie will it fit yours?
its amazing what you find when finally get annoyed with the drawer that wont shut properly!
I have a P38 ABS sensor, unused (STC2786 autotec) if anyone is in need @Flossie will it fit yours?
I've got 3 new spare aftermarket ones but I've fitted genuine wabco rears off a breaker to the fronts so all wabco now.
Changed all glow plugs for new bosch ones, a little reluctant to start which is better than the no start at all which I had before. I suspect knocking off a spill pipe twice whilst removing and refitting the inlet manifold was the cause of the reluctance. Cold start tomorrow with a short trip (with leaky matrix) to take the fil to a hospital appointment, see how she fires up then. Fil can't get in the tratter 110 otherwise I wouldn't use the p38 until I fixed the matrix which I'll do in around 2 weeks time.

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