He said that 4x4 mode means one wheel is spun in one direction and the other wheel in the same axle is spun in the opposite direction.
He said that this prevents wind up.
I can’t quite get my noggin around the physics of it but I suppose if the rotation is equal but opposite the net rotation at the prop is zero ?

or is he just covering his arse ?
The brake roller computer works out the drag forward and backward and gives an average so front and rear prop never turns same with hand brake so dont worry about it my 04 l322 was tested like this for 5 years I had it and the 08 i have now just passed its test done that way with no issues.
The brake roller computer works out the drag forward and backward and gives an average so front and rear prop never turns same with hand brake so dont worry about it my 04 l322 was tested like this for 5 years I had it and the 08 i have now just passed its test done that way with no issues.
I don't understand, do the rollers turn in different directions then?
The two front or rear wheels on an axle would have to be turned in an opposite direction to each other to stop the prop turning the center diff and moving the other axle???
Finally unlatched the superlocked rear door, had to smash the plastic pos off the door mechanism and twiddle with the screw driver and pop!
Two wheels bearings today.... ;)
I don't understand, do the rollers turn in different directions then?
The two front or rear wheels on an axle would have to be turned in an opposite direction to each other to stop the prop turning the center diff and moving the other axle???
The rollers are indeed contra rotating, what I do not understand is how the brakes can be properly tested in that way. The stress when the brakes are applied must be enormous.
The rollers are indeed contra rotating, what I do not understand is how the brakes can be properly tested in that way. The stress when the brakes are applied must be enormous.
Exactly, they are supposed to be tested as a working pair to rule out differences across the axle?
My local test station slip portable roller trays under the axle not being tested, a much better idea IMO.

Also, if there’s no rotation at the prop shaft, how the heck can they test the handbrake effectively ?
They called a fail on that too saying it didn’t lock the rear wheels. I explained that it brakes the rear prop and got a vacant look.

it’s in to a ‘proper’ garage Tuesday but I think I’m entitled to be a refund at the very least
out with the old and in with the new.
The abs casing hole on the drivers side needed honing out as the hole was out by 3mm... Unfortunately the passenger abs sensor (original part) has an intermittent electrical circuit failure. :rolleyes:
Also the brake pedal threw a code. After a third road test there no issues at all but I'm not kidding myselfo_O
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She's already upset as its not being used enough:( no excursions planned or off roading:(... Diesel is set to go up again apparently :mad:
It was down to €1.85 on Friday but the price per barrel of crude has gone up again so the pumps will follow, wish I had filled up:(

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