I can only speak from personal experience Brendon,I've had great service from my local hospital trust, which includes Arrow park hospital who took the Wuhan evacuees at the start of the pandemic.in fact I've an appointment with my specialist this afternoon.
35 years ago when I did 2 discs in my back, it was an 18 week wait to see the consultant, but if you would care to pay sir, you can see him the day after tomorrow:mad:
Duchess's steering started to protest, groaning and moaning whilst out on errands, really quite loud tbf.
Pas reservoir practically empty but was fine when I last checked maybe 3 weeks ago, using a torch and mirror I could see it was damp around the pump high pressure outlet, rubbers looked perfect so I suspected the copper washers either side of the banjo bolt. 19mm cranked spanner to get on it and it was when slipping the spanner on that it became evident that the banjo bolt was loose, tightened a good 1/4 turn and harmony is restored. God knows how that came loose.
35 years ago when I did 2 discs in my back, it was an 18 week wait to see the consultant, but if you would care to pay sir, you can see him the day after tomorrow:mad:
I have been waiting a while for the appointment but I had a similar experience to you after my accident,saw a consultant on the NHS who told me I needed an operation on my knee and he'll put me on the list six months waiting time.I saw the same consultant later in the week and he repeated that I needed an op.and he only operated privately on a Thursday then asked if I had anything planned and if I didn't he would put me on his list.:mad:
I have been waiting a while for the appointment but I had a similar experience to you after my accident,saw a consultant on the NHS who told me I needed an operation on my knee and he'll put me on the list six months waiting time.I saw the same consultant later in the week and he repeated that I needed an op.and he only operated privately on a Thursday then asked if I had anything planned and if I didn't he would put me on his list.:mad:
When I went to see my heart consultant he put me on 4 mnth waiting list for op. All I did was to have one of my funny do's walking out of his office. This involved crash team response and being kept in 8hrs. " weeks later I was in theatre having the op:D:D
Productive day today: almost all the fluids in Brown Rover have been replaced. Need to fill up the transfer case tomorrow, but otherwise diffs, gearbox, engine are all done.
Also fitted a new rear bumper, minus the end cap bits, to Brown Rover.
Red Rover is being driven round with the belt squealing like a pig until the last few jobs on Brownie are done though :rolleyes:
Sadly Alan it is now the normal for this countries NHS service. I have been waiting 8 months now for my doctors referral to see a specialist up at our hospital in Swindon ( GWH ) and all i keep getting is BS knock backs all the time blaming Covid-19 ****e when in fact the truth is because we are over run by imigrants coming over and getting top priority treatment from a service they have never paid a penny in to and we English folk who have and have served our country get treated as second class folk all the time. I am sick of it. Wont be long now before we start taking casualties from the Ukraine and we get pushed back further.
Oh **** off.

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