My old bus and Mrs Bagshots Freeby both had the same issue. Tank and caps looked fine but when the hot water got to them, there were tiny crazed cracks around the spiggots that couldn't be seen when cold and it seeped through.
New tanks and caps on the 'bay for less than a tenner and smartens up the engine bay a bit.
Don’t even go there bout dining table I’m getting there slowly all seats re coloured just small bits to to do to them now passenger one back in the car the enemy well happy be getting the rear off the table later this week I hope
Ahhh that spare tin of magnolia came in handy then. LOL, they have blended well with your wall.
Money back but not happy. I have been checking my post box for the past week waiting on notification that some parts i had ordered from the UK had arrived and would need collecting from the post office. However received to my email this morning a credit note to say my money would be returned and on the credit note it states the reason is that the parts were returned to the supplier due to a "Brexit issue" Since when has Russia been part of the EU????
Shipping to Russia has not changed since Brexit. Just don't understand.
That's strange, I never had issues with getting parts from the UK to Germany for the usual suspects post-Brexit. Funny enough some shocks, gas I assume, are now considered dangerous goods and connot be shipped to Germany.
That's strange, I never had issues with getting parts from the UK to Germany for the usual suspects post-Brexit. Funny enough some shocks, gas I assume, are now considered dangerous goods and connot be shipped to Germany.
Post Brexit, importing stuff from the UK into France is a PITA, the EU VAT & duty concession on items under €22 has been removed but it seems they are only applying charges to stuff from the UK, China is OK:rolleyes: Just got stung €9 on an item worth £14.85:mad:
Ouch! DHL is great so in that regard. Curious to see how the used car part private shipping of my Overdrive unit works out...
Ouch! DHL is great so in that regard. Curious to see how the used car part private shipping of my Overdrive unit works out...
DHL sent me an invoice after delivery of parts from Island 4x4 for French VAT, duty and handling charge that almost doubled the cost of the parts.:mad:
I no longer buy from the UK.:(
That's strange, I never had issues with getting parts from the UK to Germany for the usual suspects post-Brexit. Funny enough some shocks, gas I assume, are now considered dangerous goods and connot be shipped to Germany.
Agree, Never had an issue before and just this time last year had rear air bags shipped from one place and 2 compressor rebuild kits from another 2 different suppliers. Shipping to Russia has not changed due to Brexit so i just dont get it.
Last time I ordered DHL sent a link to pay VAT and import duties by crdeit card. VAT was the usual 19%, no GB VAT applied, and duties were not that expensive. Still cheaper than paying those greedy local resellers. Those guys in Germany already doubled prizes before Brexit, no amount of duties of VAT can push costs close to that. Land Rovers seem to be a rich peoples hobby over here. Someone should tell my bank account...
Ouch! DHL is great so in that regard. Curious to see how the used car part private shipping of my Overdrive unit works out...

Make sure they put used/secondhand and a low number for cost;) Or personal gift;)

DHL sent me an invoice after delivery of parts from Island 4x4 for French VAT, duty and handling charge that almost doubled the cost of the parts.:mad:
I no longer buy from the UK.:(

I had to get a number here to clear stuff and pay the BG vat before DHL would deliver. They did charge a little to help first time but now we have numbers it should be simple;).
The goods coming from the UK should not have Vat on them and for me it worked out about the same, albeit a lot of hassle to get the paperwork done.

I am sure there is somebody in europe with parts for landys maybe a slightly higher price but no hassle, afraid its something we have to put up with for our life in the EU:(.

Make sure they put used/secondhand and a low number for cost;) Or personal gift;)

I had to get a number here to clear stuff and pay the BG vat before DHL would deliver. They did charge a little to help first time but now we have numbers it should be simple;).
The goods coming from the UK should not have Vat on them and for me it worked out about the same, albeit a lot of hassle to get the paperwork done.

I am sure there is somebody in europe with parts for landys maybe a slightly higher price but no hassle, afraid its something we have to put up with for our life in the EU:(.

Island 4x4 did not charge UK VAT, I expected to pay French TVA but the duty and handling charge made it cheaper to buy here in France which of course is the intention of the EU.
Money back but not happy. I have been checking my post box for the past week waiting on notification that some parts i had ordered from the UK had arrived and would need collecting from the post office. However received to my email this morning a credit note to say my money would be returned and on the credit note it states the reason is that the parts were returned to the supplier due to a "Brexit issue" Since when has Russia been part of the EU????
Shipping to Russia has not changed since Brexit. Just don't understand.

They blame everything on Brexit, doesn't matter what.
Island 4x4 did not charge UK VAT, I expected to pay French TVA but the duty and handling charge made it cheaper to buy here in France which of course is the intention of the EU.

No wonder they're so up in arms over Northern Ireland. With those sorts of charges and a country well known for organised crime and ports where people are selectively blind the smugglers will be having a field-day.

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