I find going for a drive helps a lot. Get up to 90c, select a lower gear to keep the revs at least 2000rpm for a while, stop and let it cool down then top up
Got in it today and click ... Nothing. A lot of dicking about and decide the starter is goosed. Bump started and managed to swap it for the Jag before getting to work an hour late. Even worse, the header tank was almost empty. Oh well, it will have to wait until tomorrow.
Isn't it funny that the fish in the Channel are the EU's responsibility but the immigrants are ours.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I hate to say this but the only option is to let them drown. Until they realise that's the most likely ending they will keep trying and will continue to be exploited by organised crime. It doesn't help with the British government pretending the streets are paved with gold and everyone has tea each weekend with the queen in an effort to draw foreign workers.
Went for a wee drive to a decent chippy.. Ate said chippy food.. Drove home. Was good.


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