What a bugger physio wants to see me Tuesday morning. Hospital is other side of Sheffield up on hills where all snow is. Wonder how long I'll be playing (oops do I mean getting there)
What a bugger physio wants to see me Tuesday morning. Hospital is other side of Sheffield up on hills where all snow is. Wonder how long I'll be playing (oops do I mean getting there)
Like any person with a goal, to brave the danger and push against all odds !
Or, just get in yeah RR, start up, lights on into D, arm on the door sill and waft on over there!! :rolleyes::D
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£10 seems fair enough, how long would it take to get a recovery service out 1/2 day at peak times?
A few years back my youngest son and some pals were at an outdoor concert near Leeds and the weather was so atrocious the fields became quagmires. Dad to the rescue in the good old Disco. After I towed them out , people were throwing tenners at me to tow them out. Made a small fortune and had the time of my life whilst I was at it. So yes £10 is fair and people don't mind paying it
Aaahh.. opened the drivers window, as i took my finger off the button, BEEP window not set!!
Reset it no problem, but do i have a bad connection somewhere?
Happy new year all.

I started a nice "quick task" on the old girl over the Xmas break, I brought her with a fairly enthusiastic oil / coolant leak. Prior owner(s) must have not wanted to pay someone to fix, and couldn't do it themselves - instead topping up any loss. Plus side of this, is that the most part of the front is rust free and like new under the oil :D.

Looked like an oil filter housing seal to me, so set about replacing, bit of a faff. Got to where I needed to be and found a very floppy cam chain, so job scope increased to include new chain, cam, lifters. Just waiting for parts to complete.

Well run up Sheffield uneventful. hardly any snow unless I went further onto Pennines. Plus not much traffic due to new lock down. Always another day:):)

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