Setting it up getting it all working correctly will be more of a job than the swap.

Check what they did to the height sensors hopefully they are tucked up safe and still on it. If it doesn’t say ‘EAs manual’ and lights blink away good sign your becm is in one piece

‘People’ that chuck springs on don’t tend to disconnect lines and plug the ends - they just chop away, worth checking
Looks like it says Rover


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Dopey i think the glass has to come out to refit that bit, it may well need gluing in to hold it into shape, if you need a hand shout .
Well finished in the workshop about 1am.
Went home slept up at 5am.
10miles down the road
>check coolant level< it's fine.
20miles later >check coolant level<its fine.
Checked it again before leaving my pals still fine. 5miles down the road >check coolant level<
You can see the pattern here. Not a drop used. It's been fine attacked 366miles so far today averaged 23.7mpg to say 2/3rd of the journey has been on dual carriageways locked in normal height. Shes done good as usual.
Put the battery on charge as it was showing <12.4V on the idiot lights. Still charging 5 hrs later. I guess it needed it. :-D

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