You going to get the rear covers done too, or leave them as is? Which reminds me I need to respray my grill. It looks terrible being a faded yellowish grey.

Thinking about it... Not 100% sure yet. They "do" need done, but should I do them the same colours or not, I can't be sure. I don't want to go mad or it will end up garish :confused:
I think you're probably right and the contrast probably looks better in real life.

Your boy in the passenger seat?

Well I fitted the headlamp grilles and I rather think it completes the look. Perhaps not to everyone's taste, but then not everyone drives it, nor needs to look at it :p

I think she looks fresh and clean :cool:

You going to get the rear covers done too, or leave them as is? Which reminds me I need to respray my grill. It looks terrible being a faded yellowish grey.

Have a look at mine. It isn't stock but it looks pretty good, I think. All my black plastic parts are looking faded. Don't think there's a lot to be done.
I think you're probably right and the contrast probably looks better in real life.

Your boy in the passenger seat?

Yarp, that's my lad in there. He loves George. Thinks the front looks the tits :cool:

As for the Longman, don't you go thinking My1st, that they are restricted to the Longman! Thos flying arseholes are all over the town o_O

Had the car washed the other day, within hours, sh!te all over George :mad: My pal at the car wash rinsed her again for free ;)
Yarp, that's my lad in there. He loves George. Thinks the front looks the tits :cool:

As for the Longman, don't you go thinking My1st, that they are restricted to the Longman! Thos flying arseholes are all over the town o_O

Had the car washed the other day, within hours, sh!te all over George :mad: My pal at the car wash rinsed her again for free ;)

They all love Rangies. I think perhaps they're high up and can see more. Whenever we give other kids a lift they all want one afterwards - and mine's the oil-burner which definitely isn't as refined. Having said that, the battery was flat in the Jag earlier and I had to be rescued by the missus and as I heard it come up the hill the Rangie sounded a beast!
They all love Rangies. I think perhaps they're high up and can see more. Whenever we give other kids a lift they all want one afterwards - and mine's the oil-burner which definitely isn't as refined. Having said that, the battery was flat in the Jag earlier and I had to be rescued by the missus and as I heard it come up the hill the Rangie sounded a beast!

Everyone comments that George sounds grrrreat! It's muted at the front, but when you're behind, that song coming out of the exhaust is awesome. As the Americans say about a singer, she's got a great set of pipes :D
New timing chains on ready to give the tools back to Grrr this week :) thanks again for lending me them!

Hopefully by the end of next week we should have a fully functional Range Rover again as I think the long period of just a fiat punto is starting to wear thin! Unfortunately I have to go to Scotland with work for a few days so I can't get it done before then but since I've had three days this week and two next I can't moan really!

By the way, I like you're thinking on the grill Doo, it's not my taste but it's different and makes it stand out. Besides, it can't be worse than most grills are after all these years! Fortunately ours desintegrated when I removed it from being overtightened in the past so now we have to get a new one :)

Have a look at mine. It isn't stock but it looks pretty good, I think. All my black plastic parts are looking faded. Don't think there's a lot to be done.
There are those back to black kits, but I was just going to get some satin black paint and go over them that way. Gloss wouldn't look right and matt always looks like blackboard paint. Not a fan of silver/chrome trim, just looks too American.
Coolant eruption at first glance - I'm sure it looks better in the flesh as it were:):)

Well, that's too damn close to the truth :eek:

Was nailing it up onto the A9 via the filter road, looked in the rear view mirror and think the rear window is steamed up....

Except, it wasn't! The whole feckin road was steamed up :( Which is when I realised I had a HUGE steamboat problem.

For second I thought HG failure, but the guage was resolute on half way and still had heat out of the vents o_O

It was EVERYWHERE :confused:

Knew then I had to get home, 1 mile... Despite the best efforts of the C0CK in his VolksW@nker Golf who pulled into my path then stood on the brakes on the roundabout, he saw my lights get bigger & brighter, loads of smoke (steam) as I stopped :D

He MUST have thought it was tyre smoke as I stopped 4 inches from his cr@p German car :p

Annnnnnnyway, got home and as I suspected, it was a hose. Top one to be exact.

Been watching it for a while, there's been a drip from it last few weeks and the clamp was nice and tight, so clearly it's been on it's way.

Are they hard to get? Anyone?? Top left (as you face it) rad hose with a smaller diameter going to the (I was dark) expansion bottle.
New timing chains on ready to give the tools back to Grrr this week :) thanks again for lending me them!

Hopefully by the end of next week we should have a fully functional Range Rover again as I think the long period of just a fiat punto is starting to wear thin! Unfortunately I have to go to Scotland with work for a few days so I can't get it done before then but since I've had three days this week and two next I can't moan really!

By the way, I like you're thinking on the grill Doo, it's not my taste but it's different and makes it stand out. Besides, it can't be worse than most grills are after all these years! Fortunately ours desintegrated when I removed it from being overtightened in the past so now we have to get a new one :)


I use a strip of metal across the top of my grill to hold it place. I'll take a photo sometime.
Annnnnnnyway, got home and as I suspected, it was a hose. Top one to be exact.

Been watching it for a while, there's been a drip from it last few weeks and the clamp was nice and tight, so clearly it's been on it's way.

Are they hard to get? Anyone?? Top left (as you face it) rad hose with a smaller diameter going to the (I was dark) expansion bottle.

Not as far as I'm aware but make sure you know why it failed.
There are those back to black kits, but I was just going to get some satin black paint and go over them that way. Gloss wouldn't look right and matt always looks like blackboard paint. Not a fan of silver/chrome trim, just looks too American.

Yes, used before on an older car but 6 months down the line they look ****e. You're right, paint doesn't look right either. I'll just leave it I think and see if inspiration hits me one day!
Not as far as I'm aware but make sure you know why it failed.

There's a hole in it that a space ship could drive through, so it's highly likely it was old age.

However, it did have an overheating fault (before I got it) due to the AC condenser being choked up (if you recall a ways back I said I had to replace it and get fans as they had been whee'd due to the fins being choked). I imagine the overheating had weakened it and it finally gave way.

To be fair, it originally overheated wayyy back (now that I think about it, the AC con being choked may have had a bearing on the original engine being killed) and can only imagine the hose had never been suspected. But serious heat will make the hose expand, putting pressure on the stringy stuff between the rubber layers.

That's my take on it. I have NEVER had a problem with the heating or cooling system. It has always been spot on with the needle centred and never any cold air (except when it's, well....cold :p:D ).
Replaced the swivel ball on one side of my LSE today... Mucky job but satisfying.
Next one in two weeks then I think it's up for sale :(

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