Yes, used before on an older car but 6 months down the line they look ****e. You're right, paint doesn't look right either. I'll just leave it I think and see if inspiration hits me one day!
Ah, I did wonder if they lasted very long. I am too lazy to be doing the same thing every 6 months. I am debating PlastiDip, it is expensive in the UK (£15 a tin!), but at least if it looks total arse, I can just peal it off without issue. Something must be better than nothing.
I go for the cheap option these days. Boiled linseed oil. Normally have to appply once a year or so on Kirsty's 306 to keep them looking reasonably fresh and I've only ever done the Volvo once in about two years - I think because the plastics are smoother. The science is that it is similar to the oils that the plastics have lost causing them to fade apparently. Seems to work ok!

You're divorcing the "38" :eek:

But.........why? :(

I've had it for 18 months and i love it... but I have three kids and two of them are under 5.I just dont get anywhere near the amount of time (and money) to do everything i want to do.
It's a great car and i've enjoyed the very few things i have done on it (new igntion gear, VCU, Swivel housings etc) but i just cant face seeing it in my carport every morning and night... it needs to be in a lovely garage with a heater and owned by somebody that really is going to give it the care it needs.

Plus I need something with seven seats that we can strap the kayak onto the roof... had a Discovery 2 before and that was perfect so i'll look at that again or maybe a Defender / Series III.
Took a trip over the Erskine Bridge to the 'Rock', then home. I never tire of what a lovely drive it is, especially when the sun is out. :)
Went out to a chilly -12 with a wind chill -20 and the old girl started first time as usual. The book icon came on again but the cabin soon filled with lovely hot air. Went and bought a new cover as prepping to put her to bed again for the next 10 months due to work. I always dread this as I always think that the next time I come home the EAS is going to fail but fingers crossed so far she has never let me down.
Well, that's too damn close to the truth :eek:

Was nailing it up onto the A9 via the filter road, looked in the rear view mirror and think the rear window is steamed up....

Except, it wasn't! The whole feckin road was steamed up :( Which is when I realised I had a HUGE steamboat problem.

For second I thought HG failure, but the guage was resolute on half way and still had heat out of the vents o_O

It was EVERYWHERE :confused:

Knew then I had to get home, 1 mile... Despite the best efforts of the C0CK in his VolksW@nker Golf who pulled into my path then stood on the brakes on the roundabout, he saw my lights get bigger & brighter, loads of smoke (steam) as I stopped :D

He MUST have thought it was tyre smoke as I stopped 4 inches from his cr@p German car :p

Annnnnnnyway, got home and as I suspected, it was a hose. Top one to be exact.

Been watching it for a while, there's been a drip from it last few weeks and the clamp was nice and tight, so clearly it's been on it's way.

Are they hard to get? Anyone?? Top left (as you face it) rad hose with a smaller diameter going to the (I was dark) expansion bottle.

I luckily avoided that a few weeks ago when I caught mine just before it blew.
I managed to easily get a replacement even out here in Russia, its a RR part but its not a one piece hose anymore.
I luckily avoided that a few weeks ago when I caught mine just before it blew.
I managed to easily get a replacement even out here in Russia, its a RR part but its not a one piece hose anymore.

I could understand if mine looked like that, but there was no prior ballooning, just the merest hint of a drip!

Anyway, I await a txt to tell me it's arrived and my mate has been told he must fetch it and come up with it :p

Next, I am planning to tackle this bloomin fuel tank.... Also need to service the LPG.
Nothing.....because it hasn't arrived yet. Did a deal on a 02 V8 off the full fat forum. Car is 300 miles away and I haven't time or be arsed to drive there and back to get it. Anyways transport all arranged for today but got a panic call from seller saying brake pedal goes to the floor all of a sudden, quick check confirms brake line corroded. No problems as it will get fixed asap but just means it won't be ready for a day or two.
Nothing.....because it hasn't arrived yet. Did a deal on a 02 V8 off the full fat forum. Car is 300 miles away and I haven't time or be arsed to drive there and back to get it. Anyways transport all arranged for today but got a panic call from seller saying brake pedal goes to the floor all of a sudden, quick check confirms brake line corroded. No problems as it will get fixed asap but just means it won't be ready for a day or two.

It'll be one of those hidden buggers an all :confused: Above the fuel tank. Had an Astra once, some old fart in a million year old Landy pulled into my path as I was doing 60mph, then he braked :eek: I stood on the pedal with both feet, then BANG, pedal to floor, Landy 30 feet away, car coming opposite way, so I flash him like mad as I swerve round Jock Strap and the driver had seen what was going on so was already reacting, and I shot past with half the seat cushion up my twitcher :oops:

Limped home and could see fluid dripping from the fuel tank. All other pipes were clean. I may have re-routed the damn thing when I did the job :D

Anyway, better it happened to him as he prepared to take it to you than to you on the motorway at speed... Trying to pull up two tonne of motor aint that simple o_O
A mate of mine had some old biddy pull in front of him on a dual-carriageway, one of those with a crossing road and a place to stop in the middle. Apparently she meant to hit the brake and hit the accelerator. Anyway, he was doing 80mph in a Disco 1. He was a big lad and pushed so hard on the brake pedal he actually bent it flat to the floor in his panic. Bang! That was the end of the cars but fortunately they both walked (limped) away. Good job it was his brother's car really. :)
Gave up trying to bleed the coolant. Lot's of "crackling" from the expansion bottle, gets empty, so I loosen the cap, allow steam out slowly, then gradually top her up.

Yay, it's fine, blowing hot, needle on middle, drive to Halfords (closest) for more OAT coolant, drives beautifully, cool, hot, cool, hot, cooooool.....cold, warm hot then temp goes up..... Bah!

I'll do it tomorrow when she's cold again o_O

Not far to go, but when we changed the coolant it was a doddle to bleed. I'm guessing when she blew the hose she cleared her sinuses an all :D
Gave up trying to bleed the coolant. Lot's of "crackling" from the expansion bottle, gets empty, so I loosen the cap, allow steam out slowly, then gradually top her up.

Yay, it's fine, blowing hot, needle on middle, drive to Halfords (closest) for more OAT coolant, drives beautifully, cool, hot, cool, hot, cooooool.....cold, warm hot then temp goes up..... Bah!

I'll do it tomorrow when she's cold again o_O

Not far to go, but when we changed the coolant it was a doddle to bleed. I'm guessing when she blew the hose she cleared her sinuses an all :D

V8 can be a bit of a sod. Make sure that little hose is clear that goes to the expansion tank. I found holding the revs at about 2000 rpm with the cap off (you can see under the bonnet to make sure it isn't splashing too much if the bonnet is up) allowed me to monitor progress and top up each time the level dropped.
Managed to buy a 19" spare wheel with tyre for £5.50 ,and the tyre has tread on 5mm but its the wrong size, its 255.55 and I use 255.50
Same old nonsense yesterday, bleeding thing! However, this time, no overheating, just no hot air until I drive a bit faster. Topped it up a few times. I think another top up today should see it alright.

Funny, we didn't have this problem when we drained the rad in November! Just filled it up, ran it, topped it up once and away she went. I did wonder if the gaskets went, but the exhausts are clear and there's no obvious exhaust smell off the expansion bottle (you know "that" smell, been there plenty enough times). I shouldn't imagine they would be gone at less than 30k miles o_O
Same old nonsense yesterday, bleeding thing! However, this time, no overheating, just no hot air until I drive a bit faster. Topped it up a few times. I think another top up today should see it alright.

Funny, we didn't have this problem when we drained the rad in November! Just filled it up, ran it, topped it up once and away she went. I did wonder if the gaskets went, but the exhausts are clear and there's no obvious exhaust smell off the expansion bottle (you know "that" smell, been there plenty enough times). I shouldn't imagine they would be gone at less than 30k miles o_O
Similar with mine still. I get hot air as normal but still getting a hissing expansion cap after a long run. No overheating. Starting to think I may have a leak from LPG Vap (it is 8 years old) so will take this out the equation next week to's probably HG's though :(. At least my passenger blend motor has started working again after being stuck on cold with the book symbol on for the past 4 weeks. Got my transmission oil cooler rad today so will be fitting that as mine has developed a tiny leak.
Finally finished reassembling, no light left now and the battery had been disconnected while I was away leaving, 'Key Code Lockout,' on so first start will be tomorrow. Manage to get the dog guard fitted in the dark though so that's one more job off the list. Got the other half's 306 to service tomorrow as well so seems like a busy day for me!

Had it in the workshop as I was dropping off my new roller cabinet. Since I was in there I threw her on the ramps just because I had time, so greased her up, had to chuck in some air too. Front tyres were down to 18 and 19, and rears were 26 and 30. I've probably got to start keeping an eye on that. I need to book some ramp time and do a full service.

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