Yesterday, but close enough, drove my first green lane. Stile End in Longsledale although as we found out its not an easy one in places and the P38 is a bit big for it so she's suffered a small scratch on the drivers door. Oops! Time to try some Tcut. However the old girls covered in war wounds so another isnt going to hurt!
Just spoke to my mate the mechanic, the squeak keeping pace with road speed turned out to be front drive shaft. When removing the leaking oil cooler pipes to replace them he sheared the bolts in to the oil rad. He's managed to source recon parts and all is set to be put back together on the morrow for a caravan trip to N Wales. Simples ! Just £300 to put right :( ! (watch this space, nothing is ever straight forward with these p38s ):)
Got back from valeter. Looking good for 16!


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drove it to halfourds did a bit of wadeing there were puddles in the carpark hope it will be ok :eek: it was deeper than the tread of the tyres :D
Oil change, OEM filter and new golden syrup. Whilst underneath degreased sump and other oily parts, looks like new now.
hi all, well last year i changed the ally spigot rings for plastic ones as i was getting this sort of vibrating growl only for 3 or 4 seconds just on initial pull away and then it would disappear, ive had brand new suspension & brand new tyres recently ( not because of the noise, but because they had to be changed) and it still did that poxy noise, so on ebay theres a fella makes spigot rings from his home workshop out of stainless steel called spigsnrings in eastleigh (no affiliation to me ) £15.00 free post so i called him gave him the measurements & he machined them for me, ive put them on and theres NO MORE NOISE i couldnt believe it ,its absolutely quiet,even sounds better at speed as ive just come back to London from centre parks in Longleat, it felt like a different motor:D
hi all, well last year i changed the ally spigot rings for plastic ones as i was getting this sort of vibrating growl only for 3 or 4 seconds just on initial pull away and then it would disappear, ive had brand new suspension & brand new tyres recently ( not because of the noise, but because they had to be changed) and it still did that poxy noise, so on ebay theres a fella makes spigot rings from his home workshop out of stainless steel called spigsnrings in eastleigh (no affiliation to me ) £15.00 free post so i called him gave him the measurements & he machined them for me, ive put them on and theres NO MORE NOISE i couldnt believe it ,its absolutely quiet,even sounds better at speed as ive just come back to London from centre parks in Longleat, it felt like a different motor:D

Ones you had must have had serious toothache. A wheel out of centre would only normally show at speed. Can't think a noise at pull away would be down to them at all. More likely drive train issues.
Forever blacked the front grill - looks much better

Replaced a duff stereo with a working one (Thank god!)

Attempted to remove the front lights to replace with 00 spec ones only to find that one captive bolt on each light carrier is spinning in the plastic (I think!) Nuts are seized to the bolts :(
ordered a new camshaft bolt from landrover and fitted new tappets, fingers crossed it will be done tomorrow when the new bolt comes in :D

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