Well it says it will, it "Pulses" the flat battery until a descent voltage then recharges it

It say's it will, but if the battery is really flat it just logs it as 6 volt and will not charge the battery. Also after 2 days on another flat battery it was still less than half charged. Maybe mines a duff one?
Yes, but after he started going over to give Hugo head in return for oil, Londoners decided they wanted the moptop in charge instead.

thats right, he was giving him the same deal as the iranians, indians, iraqi', chinese and a few others as well.
I put the rocker covers in the dishwasher my dearly beloved came home early and is still not impr:eek::eek:essed
i finished off putting my pollen filters and housings back together after having them all out resealing them all cleaning drain tubes etc etc

So thats

heater O rings job done on fri/sat
pollen filter cases resealing o/s plus n/s sun and monday

just need good news on getting it started and all my work aint gone to waste...
cleaned the engine, think I need a new mesh on the (**** know what its called) plastic thingamabob where the wipers are sponge its fallen, maybe it just needs reseating, put antifreeze in checked oil, and topped up the washer and put some washer soap **** in it, anyway, its winter ready now
Started it for the first time on Saturday after camshaft replacement. So did a test run today up to my mums and decided she was running so well I would bring back my trailor and take a load of tree cuttings and old boxes and carpets that have been blocking my entry. So went to the communal tip and started so I had to finish unloading it all then the rain came. Now home and dried and warmed up with a whisky. 65 miles pulling a heavyish trailor and only 25 without but she is still purring nicely (the car1).
Its great isn't it when your driving and like..... nothing happens!!! and then you get in to the drive and think (with some good tunes on the CD....) **** life isn't gona get better than this.... well not quite but you know what I mean

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