Added "lake of water in passenger footwell after heavy rain" to the todo list. I'm quite sure these cars get jealous of you sitting in the house and do something that means you have to get your hands dirty on your day off. There is also some drips on top of the accelerator pedal. Guess I'm playing with pollen filter housings/drains today.
finished my heater O rings job off and then im doing the pollen filter housing job, dont know why to be honest it might be in the scrap yard this time next week, and its looking more likely day by day, but im a hoper hah ha...
When all is done and your RR is up and running, you'll have the finest example on the market, making it worth at least £500. £550 if you drive a hard bargain. :p

But beyond that, you'll have the pleasure and luxury that comes from driving a working RR. It is something no one but Landie owners understand... correction, something no one but drivers of vehicles made in the UK (and Alfa Romeo) understand. Probably just buyers remorse manifesting itself as something special.
Well in all honesty I had an old f reg thing many years ago and used to spend half my time underneath it. Two years ago I bought my first P38 and spent an absolute fortune getting it right, it then rewarded me by dropping a liner. So it went in disgust and I vowed never again, but there is just something about them. I like my Jags and big beemers but there is just something about this big old rangies and I just kept missing it for some reason, so when a mate of mine told me he wanted his gone out the garden where it had been for three years temptation got the better of me, not least because apart from a long list of minor ****ty issues, it's not in that bad a fettle. It has a few battle scars sure but heater o rings and blend motors have been done and the 5 years he did have it on the road it never missed a beat. So I bought a P38 that senses tell you not to go near with a barge pole and despite it's faults and problems I just love driving around in it. For some reason they get under your skin and when you do finally get them right they are very rewarding machines. Bit like that faithfull old hound that costs you an arm and a leg at the vets but you still love it to bits.
The way you worded it made it sound like you was saying the speedo can be less than true speed not more.

To be honest I can't think of any vehicles that could reach the top end of the allowance. Other than Rover 25s and all Korean cars.

Speedometer Accuracy

Lord Allen of Abbeydale asked Her Majesty's Government:

  • Whether, in the light of the increasing importance of speed limits, they have any plans to make it easier for the private motorist to have his speedometer tested for accuracy.[HL839]

Lord Whitty: The Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986, as amended, allows the use of speedometers that meet the requirements of EC Community Directive 75/443(97/39) or ECE Regulation 39. Both the EC Directive and the ECE Regulation lay down accuracy requirements to be applied at the time of vehicle approval for speedometers. These requirements are that the indicated speed must not be more than 10 per cent of the true speed plus 4 km/h. In production, however, a slightly different tolerance of 5 per cent plus 10 km/h is applied. The requirements are also that the indicated speed must never be less than the true speed.
A vehicle meeting these requirements would not be able to travel at a greater speed than that shown on the speedometer and a driver could not, therefore, inadvertently exceed speed restrictions. Her Majesty's Government have no plans to introduce instrument tests.

Before EC directive 75/443(97/39) came out vehicles in the UK had speedos that could be plus or minus 10% at 30 mph. So at an indicated 30 you could legally be doing any speed between 27 and 33 mph. That is because before 1965 the only speed limit in the UK was 30 mph in a built up area. Everywhere else there was no speed limit. So older vehicles made before this directive was brought into force are still allowed that leeway. That is why speed cameras are set at 30 mph plus 10% plus 2 mph. So many people who may have been driving an older vehicle at 30 mph indicated, that have been done by a copper with a radar gun at 31,32 or 33 mph in a 30 area are being done illegally. Not a lot of people know that.
that sounds like a VOSA report and complaint coming up! GIVE EM HELL!

Car sorted they came out and fitted a new complete tie bar , very apologetic and apperntly somebody has been sacked oh dear.

Taken ours to John Lewis Hugh Wycombe and bought a new all singing and dancing bread machine no breakdown as yet, but the other half want to drive home and refresh her motorway driving , look out for a v reg range rover dawdling on the middle lane , better stop typing as someone is looking over my shoulder ...,
Fixed broken heater wires in drivers seat, fed the leather and started to reassemble it. Female stopped play at that point :)
Thought the beginning of the week I would have to spend for a new compressor on the 322 but I stripped it down put back together and working again. But I need to get a rebuild kit for it to make it last.
Thought the beginning of the week I would have to spend for a new compressor on the 322 but I stripped it down put back together and working again. But I need to get a rebuild kit for it to make it last.

a guy from Germany sells them

if its any good, ill send you my old compressor to do
Well today I did the same trip that I did a couple of months ago, but this time I got got very nervous and drove very carefully past the point it want bang a recovery truck was called out to :D sailed past no probs, and all the way back too :D

That's the longest trip since the incident and I think I can finally breath agen :D
just found out off my dear old Mom that she left the interior light on in the car, dead battery!!!!

ordered from battery megastore. 130AH 1000cc for £100. good thing she's paying for it :)

another job i have for thursday
Before EC directive 75/443(97/39) came out vehicles in the UK had speedos that could be plus or minus 10% at 30 mph. So at an indicated 30 you could legally be doing any speed between 27 and 33 mph. That is because before 1965 the only speed limit in the UK was 30 mph in a built up area. Everywhere else there was no speed limit. So older vehicles made before this directive was brought into force are still allowed that leeway. That is why speed cameras are set at 30 mph plus 10% plus 2 mph. So many people who may have been driving an older vehicle at 30 mph indicated, that have been done by a copper with a radar gun at 31,32 or 33 mph in a 30 area are being done illegally. Not a lot of people know that*

Any police officer 'doing' someone at that speed knows it would be thrown out on appeal. Which leads to the fact that any officer ticketing someone at those speeds is a richard and will find themselves in the boss's office for interview without coffee ;) It also means the majority of people who say 'I was only a couple of miles over the limit' are lying :lol:

* and I beg to differ, I have yet to meet a driver who doesn't know this and take advantage of it :)
just found out off my dear old Mom that she left the interior light on in the car, dead battery!!!!

ordered from battery megastore. 130AH 1000cc for £100. good thing she's paying for it :)

another job i have for thursday

Lesson learned? :lol:
But thanks to Brown if you appeal a ticket and win, you still have to cover all legal costs. It was supposed to be to stop the wealthy from appealing speeding tickets making it a fairer system. I don't think I understand the logic in that.

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