It would have done it by now if it was going to!
It's been noisy for ages, just assumed it was all coming from the middle box
Started new job this week, so seeing as I had to give the old employer their van back. Put me shiney shoes on, had a wash and took the Orville to work.

Check me out..!!

Oh no..B####cks to that.! AVG 17mpg on a daily 60 mile round trip.

Need to rethink this one.
But WHAT WAS IT..!??!

I don't know how to say this... but I fixed it for £20!

A work mate went past a local breakers yard on BHM and saw what he thought was my car...came to work and, as you do the 'banter' started.... ignoring the fact that it was a total different colour.... anyway, i went down on Thursday (when i picked my car up from the garage as it is on the same street) to see if I could scavenge the under bonnet head shield, got talking to the mechanics and asked how much it would be, got told that i would need to get it out myself as they were about 4-6 weeks away from even looking at it to take apart. So I just asked the question about why it was there and got told the air suspension had collapsed and that the dash error messages lit up like a Xmas tree... hmm, I thought, so I asked how much they would charge me top take out the block, compressor etc...

so, this morning I executed a dawn raid and took the heat shield, air dryer(which looked very new and shiny I even took it apart to look inside...that spring is a big f****r) and block/compressor etc and fitted it to mine.

turned the engine on, opened the door and waited...

and waited....

after a (what felt like a bloody lifetime) period of time I shut the doors and pressed the rise button.... it was like she had been given viagra!!

up up up she went.... I cried... again!

she is now in the MY garage, so I'm going to check her in the morning as i expect her to drop a little. I'm also going to swap the pumps over just as a precaution.

I don't think I've ever been so proud of myself ever (as I'm not the most mechanically minded/patient man) even when I won top marksman in my platoon or when I graduated from university!

Ok, so it was four annoying bolts, 6 pipes and wiring.. but they were numbered and so easy to take out and fit.

My valve block is awaiting a refurb kit so I can get that sorted as well.

even if it only works for a short whilst, or if it doesn't work at all, I've got other parts that I needed for £20!

I am one very happy P38 owner. (for now!)
It would have done it by now if it was going to!
It's been noisy for ages, just assumed it was all coming from the middle box
Can you have someone put a rag over the exhaust end and have a listen up front while it's running?

you said that way too loud!!!

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