Fixed a crack!
Surely the crack was easier to see through when you're driving than...THAT!
Today I defended the honour of my P38 against doom'n'gloom & nay sayers...well, a couple of commenters know who you can anyone else caring to look at my post... I'll Defender (pun very much intended) to the end!!! Hahaha!
2 tons of gravel..
And a P38 what could possibly go wrong?!


Less potholeage

makes a good road roller!!
AND.... my tax has to be paid as well, someone must be logging into my bank account and thinking I have too much £££££ in it
Never a dull moment with a P38, fixed the leaking FIP the other day, today on the shopping run a leak off pipe decided to pop off, obviously jealous of the attention I was giving to the FIP:rolleyes: Must have disturbed it removing/refitting the manifold, I did check at the time and they all looked good.:)
The project P38 decided to throw an EAS fault while I was testing my new tablet and USB adaptor, communication disappeared and there was a permanent "slow 55km" message. After a few checks, it turned out the the EAS relay has failed. Luckily I had a spare, so that's 2 P38's fixed today.:D

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