What did you use?

And why is you hiding it with muck :p


Meguires Scratch X and this old machine ;)

Like to thank my old P38 for giving me unbroken running for the last 6 weeks whilst mother in law has been in very ill in hospital and getting us there every day and every time without fault. Alas mother in law has passed away, left us with fond memories of her. Just got funeral to get over with and then we can move on
Like to thank my old P38 for giving me unbroken running for the last 6 weeks whilst mother in law has been in very ill in hospital and getting us there every day and every time without fault. Alas mother in law has passed away, left us with fond memories of her. Just got funeral to get over with and then we can move on
Sorry to hear you've lost your mum in law. I hope you're all able to take some comfort that she's now released fron cancer's relentless grip.
Fond memories are a wonderful tribute to her.
Sorry to hear you've lost your mum in law. I hope you're all able to take some comfort that she's now released fron cancer's relentless grip.
Fond memories are a wonderful tribute to her.
Thanks Mike and everyone else, she was a funny and witty woman smiling and pulling faces to the end. Not the typical stereotype mother in law, always there for us will miss her
I'm on another run south with GG. However, I have pulled over between Manchester and Brum. Freezing fog has set in , and I'm in no hurry to become a statistic. People still belting past, even in the roadworks. people with no lights, when they are needed, people with rear fog lights, when they're not needed, others finding it hard not to wander across lanes, and on and on. So let's be careful out there boys and girls
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Fitted new plates, refitted the entertainment system along with a homemade water shedder made from some heavy plastic sheet from a caravan skirt. Bailed out the spare wheel well. Tidied up the bits and pieces that were scattered around the car from all of the jobs that I've been gradually working through. Played with the audio settings and new sat nav. It is evidently an old set up as some of the previous functions and settings I had with the drowned kit are not there and it looks to be very 1900's in appearance!
Then went for a drive once the satnav finally figured that it was in Leicestershire and not Gravesend.
Changed a blend motor Drivers side ,was about to change passenger side when I noticed a small leak in nearside fan area and decided to pull dash out refurb heater unit and anything else I find whilst I am in there. Oh what fun

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