Some Pics from when I bought her.
Brother and Nephew in tow.
Pulled into the sellers drive.. Looked over it.
Was in ok condition - not great..
Ran ok right up until i bought it..
Spun it around in his drive tried to leave and........
"cough" "splutter" dead!!
Turns out the battery neg cable had came off lol he hadn't tightened it down!!
That should of been warning number 1..
At home Day 1
Warning number 2 was the Rear brake pad, literally falling out at a Esso pez station
So i drove it home with 3 working brakes
Warning number 3 was the XYZ switch giving me grief in a Morrisons car park!! Wouldn't engage Reverse to back into a space!
Did after vigorous Lever movement!
So as you can tell it was Love at first sight for me and hatred on her behalf!

But in all seriousness it is one of the very few cars I drove and was like "this is the one" after driving it 20ft..

did 2500mi is 3 months according to the diary not 1200

'twas amazing,
Got it durdy too!!

would you believe it!
Drove it up a dual carriageway every day to work(s) and was amazed at its road manners and the MPG 25mpg I got from it

mind you that was a steady GPS 56mph
Around town I got 17 so not too bad
Anyway anyone who has driven a Post 1999 P38 will know how good the handling is for such a barge - locked in M-way mode and corners are a dream..
Anywhoo on a dual carriageway approaching a roundabout , going right so i indicate so..
Nissan Pathfinder pulls up in the left lane, I assume he's going left or straight on

How wrong I was He was going right too

cut right infront of me the **** anchored up just shy of hitting the bastard.
Go back round the 2nd time and think eh I'll catch the ****. - round I go and just before the exit, I throttle it, amazing the front lft wheel starts to spin but TC kicked in and it lept off
think the MPG dropped off trying to catch the bastard.
never found him but was good fun trying

that V8 though

and handling Hmm
Anyway rambling over!!
Oh look an interior!!
All together and a tad dirty