I got the USB twin socket, anyone know the best place to pick up power? but not that its on all the time, I want it to come on with ignition only, also in the pic it looks a bit bright (mine is green light on it) can I somehow put it on the dimmer, so its the same as the dash? can some one run this through with me as I am no good at electrics, thanks, and I dont have that wire in the pic
Take the feed from the cig lighter in front of the gear stick. You will not be able to dim the back light unless you break the thing open to get at the LED driver circuit.
Does it fit the hole in the P38 dash?
Hi Guy's. I had to change the passenger door opener cable as mine snapped, but the big thing that bothered me was the door card clips, as most of them broke. So who has an idea as to where to buy replacements as I've looked on Rimmer Bros and Brit parts and cannot find them.
The width is very good, nice fit, but the height is just a little bit big, but just needs a file to the top and bottom
Take the feed from the cig lighter in front of the gear stick. You will not be able to dim the back light unless you break the thing open to get at the LED driver circuit.
Does it fit the hole in the P38 dash?
I suppose I could rig it up to the clock for dimming, but I will have to have it on all the time (unless I put a on/off switch on it) but I think the cig liter is the way to go. thanks
I started it on the drive as it was covered in frost to check the newly fitted front screen heating element and it cleared the best it ever has the last on only worked on half the screen, typically the passenger side:rolleyes: so well happy.

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