Last night going out (to a French lesson - o la la) the fecking thing refused to start, turned over normally, just nothing. Had to take the 90 instead, the doris was not amused, "what's wrong with it this time?", I wasn't amused either "it wont start - duh" (that's a months worth of brownie points down the swanny then)

Had a look this morning, it would appear the glow plug relay/timer is duff:mad::mad: new one ordered for €70 delivery Weds with luck, Craddock wanted just south of £220, someone else wanted over £400. What is it with these prices??
That could be why your glow plugs failed.
Last night going out (to a French lesson - o la la) the fecking thing refused to start, turned over normally, just nothing. Had to take the 90 instead, the doris was not amused, "what's wrong with it this time?", I wasn't amused either "it wont start - duh" (that's a months worth of brownie points down the swanny then)

Had a look this morning, it would appear the glow plug relay/timer is duff:mad::mad: new one ordered for €70 delivery Weds with luck, Craddock wanted just south of £220, someone else wanted over £400. What is it with these prices??

If you think that's bad try buying a carb float bowl O'ring for a Briggs and Stratton Vangaurd engine. :D:D
Land Rover's exhausts must be going downhill then. My last original one I had lasted close to 10 years.
To be fair to LR, the exhaust before was the original, at about 15 years and 190k miles old. This new one just hasn't done well at all. The new one has done about 50k miles.
Last night going out (to a French lesson - o la la) the fecking thing refused to start, turned over normally, just nothing. Had to take the 90 instead, the doris was not amused, "what's wrong with it this time?", I wasn't amused either "it wont start - duh" (that's a months worth of brownie points down the swanny then)

Had a look this morning, it would appear the glow plug relay/timer is duff:mad::mad: new one ordered for €70 delivery Weds with luck, Craddock wanted just south of £220, someone else wanted over £400. What is it with these prices??

You checked the fuse first,obviously?
Last night going out (to a French lesson - o la la) the fecking thing refused to start, turned over normally, just nothing. Had to take the 90 instead, the doris was not amused, "what's wrong with it this time?", I wasn't amused either "it wont start - duh" (that's a months worth of brownie points down the swanny then)

Had a look this morning, it would appear the glow plug relay/timer is duff:mad::mad: new one ordered for €70 delivery Weds with luck, Craddock wanted just south of £220, someone else wanted over £400. What is it with these prices??
Seems to be a familiar call from the fairer sex when it comes to RR's.. think I'll get it tattooed on my forehead..
"What's up with it this time..???"
You checked the fuse first,obviously?
Yes I did manage to think of the cheap fixes first, course me being me, as it were, there will be another problem waiting in the wings.
Anyway email today to say I will have it Thurs AM so fingers crossed and I can use it in the evening, either that or half the darts team will have to cram in the back of me hard top 90.
Looks like the dart team are going to be in the back of the 90 this evening.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Total failure with replacing the glow plug relay/timer, any help in digging me out of the brown stuff would be greatly appreciated.
Engine = 2.4 VM diesel. 1988. Relay /timer according to my parts book is PRC5020, arrived this morning, spent 5 hours trying to get it to work, maybe the old one not at fault at all, but posting photo's of it cos I think it was on the way out anyway. When I took it off the other day I found that a previous owner had opened it up and skillfully masked it by glueing rubber sheet around it. I actually thought it was meant to be like that it looked so neat.

OK not quite in focus, there are signs of burning on the contacts of the relay (?)

think I need a better camera, (or a 12 year old to show me how to use it.

sorry about all that, I'll leave them on just incase there is anything to be gained from them.:oops::oops:
To continue I fitted the existing wires to the new one in the same orientation as the original, the relay plug was not seating properly so cutt out and crimped connectors to the wires to make sure I had good solid connections.

The top blade connects to black, then from the left black/grey, white/red and white.
Also big brown on the larger threaded post, this is live at 12.4 volts.
Larger yellow/black on the r/h post which goes to the glow plugs, there is continuity throughout the length of this to the glow plug itself.
The wire colours are not quite the same as in my workshop manual, a Disco w/manual has the same colours but they have swapped the black and black/grey around. I am sure the black is to earth, I have tried a fly-lead direct to the battery earth without any change in operation so think it is not an earth problem.
Black/grey I believe goes to the cold start (glow plug ?)warning light.
White/red goes to starter relay and ignition switch, - don't know where the starter relay is so havent checked that, I assume the ignition switch is OK.
White goes to fuel shut off valve and ignition switch, tested and am getting 12 v from blade to shut off valve with ign on.
According to my workshop manual (the big grey one, not Haynes) the relay shares a fuse with the hazard lights, hazards work as they should. All fuses have been visually checked, none blown. I do not have a fuse diagram for the car.
I have swapped back and forward, new to old and do not get any power to the glow plugs from either, with the old one fitted the glow plug warning light on the dash functions as normal, with the new one fitted the dash warning light is dim - perhaps 1/3 the brightness.
Bit lost as to what to do now.
I know there is a way to check the operation of a relay but can't remember how to rig up the test leads at the moment. Will have to get onto you tube and then at least I can rule that out.

As always thanks in advance for any comments.
The relay could be changed, I can take a look if you want it repaired as a spare.
Your all far too quick for me:D:D thanks for the offer, didn't know that was possible. Failing with a new one now anyway.

Just a thought, if the old one is any good for you I could give it to a mutual friend on the weekend, I guess he is laning with us. Save it going in the bin
Your all far too quick for me:D:D thanks for the offer, didn't know that was possible. Failing with a new one now anyway.

Just a thought, if the old one is any good for you I could give it to a mutual friend on the weekend, I guess he is laning with us. Save it going in the bin
It's no good to me, but I may possibly be able to fix for you as a spare.
The glow plug relay is switched on and off by the engine ECU as required subject to temp readings from the engine temp sensor the engine ECU also switches the glow lamp on and off. The glow relay does not feed anything other than the glow plugs and the lift pump from plug 6 when operational.
Did you look at both the delphi and beru version. There is a difference in the posts...
Looked at quite a few really, trying to get the price to a realistic figure. I assumed that even if the posts (not blades) were in different positions the larger would be for the supply and the other would go to the glowplugs. Nut sizes are 10mm for the feed, 8mm the other.

Anyway, thanks for the input chaps, off for a Sh, Sh, and a Shower. :D:D

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