Finally got round to seeing to my intermittently leaky old injector pump.Replaced (most of) the seals and , touch wood, its looking good.

Biketeacherdave's 'how too' was a great help - and its true what he says ' its easier than you think'. Thanks Dave.

Seems to be running better than ever (perhaps the QA housing went back on in a fractionally different position? Didn't have a Nanocom to set it up, relied on scoring the housing). It was doing around 24 mpg before and leaking quite a bit on tickover so it'll be interesting to see if that goes up at all.
Did plug it in to a Snap-on thingy which diagnosed 'intermittent signal from LH front ABS sensor' which would be why the three amigos appear now and again.
This was a Britpart one that I fitted a few months ago. False economy! Craddocks said that tho' they specialise in after market parts, they won't sell non OEM sensors coz they're rubbish. I should have listened.

Still, at least it'll come out easily...