very nice, wouldn't fancy having a crash in it though :confused:;):D

The RV8 makes a nice noise!!

its tendency to

leak like a sieve

drink like a MOFO

and be hilariously unreliable is just part of its character and charm :p ;)

The diesels are reliable, and everyone knows that boring!! :D:D
Two things on a diesel you can count on!
The engine and the dashboard beeping at you!!!:p:D
Fixed sticking passenger window mechanism. Cleaned and adjusted rear lower door catches. They now close properly.

Went for a drive later on some green lanes and got back home when auxiliary belt decided to partially shred. Lucky only 40 yards from home.

Guess what I am doing tomorrow morning
Fixed sticking passenger window mechanism. Cleaned and adjusted rear lower door catches. They now close properly.

Went for a drive later on some green lanes and got back home when auxiliary belt decided to partially shred. Lucky only 40 yards from home.

Guess what I am doing tomorrow morning
Sh*t happens , usually to landy owners :rolleyes: good luck on the belt change
Cleaned the lower tail gate latches that were tagging every body with black grime and grease...oops.. dirty flap!!!
A but of 130kmh on the way home from Bordeaux.. she loves it!! 22 mpg:confused:.. then back down to 32mpg at 110kmh... Arrr...all is well in green bus world:cool:
Fixed sticking passenger window mechanism. Cleaned and adjusted rear lower door catches. They now close properly.

Went for a drive later on some green lanes and got back home when auxiliary belt decided to partially shred. Lucky only 40 yards from home.

Guess what I am doing tomorrow morning
Mine did that. Put the old one back on. Next thing the tensioner bracket went bang! Turns out it had a crack which meant the bracket went out of alignment, hence the shredded belt. So check the bracket!
Mine did that. Put the old one back on. Next thing the tensioner bracket went bang! Turns out it had a crack which meant the bracket went out of alignment, hence the shredded belt. So check the bracket!

For some reason, a previous owner has had a tensioner pulley changed and fitted a narrower one, causing the belt to split along the length. It did it last year too. I know why now.
Pressure plug fail followed by hard fault at 70mph on the M74 on Friday, resulted in burned and melted compressor plug.
I had to put choc box connector in place of my EAS plug . Got help to pump air into the tank and it came off the bumpstops so the return trip was ok at motorway setting.
New airbags and EAS valve block proven as airtight now. Old pump survived the melt down and EAS all good again.
Then on the test drive the bloody left hand blend motor stuck again... ah well. Hahahaha
Flushed the intercooler out - 3 flushes of paraffin before it came out clear. I did it my way, heave and pull, not the book way. It does come out eventually!
Cut the orange / pink wire - superlock disabled - the dancing locks got followed by a couple of whirrr whirr's which I really don't want to happen
Lubed up drivers door window mechanism
Fitted new oil cooler

Currently no bloody oil leaks :cool:
Gave it it's regular wash, it gets done at least once a year, either before the MOT of before I service it. Sometimes, it gets washed twice if we are going away. Dare not do it more often as the finish will disappear.
I never fail to be surprised at the poor quality of the plastics. The black roof strips you might think would be self coloured black, but no, they are actually white with a black finish, specks of white are now showing through. The faux leather black panels either side of the boot hatch opening are actually a sort of mustard colour where the black is wearing off. The paint is poor too with more pits on the top of the boot and roof than there were mines in Yorkshire in their heyday. C'est la vie, it will last me out.
Friend found the"sort of" fault with the air con. Break in the single wire to the compressor somewhere. Fitted a manual on/off switch as a temp fix with live feed, voila air con.!
Note to self. Don't forget to switch it off.
Having a look at a 2.5 DHSE maybe in a few days for my Old Dad ;)

I know the electrics are a bug bare but is there anything in particular to worry about with the 2.5 lump? :)


Having a look at a 2.5 DHSE maybe in a few days for my Old Dad ;)

I know the electrics are a bug bare but is there anything in particular to worry about with the 2.5 lump? :)


Yes. Sadly...... there are 2 cylinders missing and they forgot to fold it into a "V".'s a champ.

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