You live and learn stands under axle for rest of the day and still there now till new discs arrive. Jack was on sale 1/3 off so took the sting out a bit, if you saw the jack I was using in comparison to this it's more than twice the size. I would love to buy some huge garage spec jack but have neither the funds or use for one .

Ok but lift one corner at a time, lift onto stands in stages. Narrow gutted modern jacks are death traps. NEVER work under the car when just supported by a jack, ALWAYS have a stand in place. ;);)
You live and learn stands under axle for rest of the day and still there now till new discs arrive. Jack was on sale 1/3 off so took the sting out a bit, if you saw the jack I was using in comparison to this it's more than twice the size. I would love to buy some huge garage spec jack but have neither the funds or use for one .

I got one a while back. Clarke Strong Arm or something. It was fairly reasonable and I bought it for its lifting height. I wasn't prepared for the scale of it when it arrived. Took 2 of us to carry it through the house.
I got one a while back. Clarke Strong Arm or something. It was fairly reasonable and I bought it for its lifting height. I wasn't prepared for the scale of it when it arrived. Took 2 of us to carry it through the house.

You want to try and carry my 2.5 ton Epco. Cost £48.00 back in the later sixties and still going strong. Seal kits still available. :D:D
I got one a while back. Clarke Strong Arm or something. It was fairly reasonable and I bought it for its lifting height. I wasn't prepared for the scale of it when it arrived. Took 2 of us to carry it through the house.
Sound's like you both need a good meal.:p:D:D:D:D bloody suverners
I'm only a plastic scouser, as you and the cake munching Manc keep reminding me so it would be one under each arm and one down the pants.:p:D:D
Calm down, calm down. One down the pants eh, well i suppose there would be plenty of room for it. :p :D:D:D
got all the LED bulbs delivered yesterday for the interior. less than £5 from china. off that auction site. put them all in had to make a couple of alterations on the over head lights. the door bulbs are great now. can see where your putting your foot when you get out now. too reasons why i have gone for the bulb change. Its to save power at first and then i thought of what my mates done to his now. but im not sure if it will be ok. thoughts please. he has put halo rings LEDs on his side lights. its does look ok but he has wired them into the side light wires. its 1.4w each side as i would go for the ones that have few LEDS in so the LEDS will be spaced out and look like they have spaces between and not just a full ring of light like his are. They look to much. but still will it cause any problem. i thought with me taking all the wattage off with the ne LEDS that i wouldnt cause any more battery drain. so i could of added a couple with no power drain. but ive thought of the over loading on the side lights. i could just sit and wait for awhile and see if his car goes up in flames and then i would know not to do the same. or as a mate i could ask on here if there could be a problem coming and give him a fire extinguisher lol.
I can understand the interior light bulb upgrade I did mine ages ago but seriously halo side lights ????:p

My boy has left his reading light on a few times now. It is OK for a few days but if I don't use the car for 4 or 5 days I get in and think the battery has had it ... before realisation dawns. Surely it ought to go out when I lock it?!

I guess a brighter LED might be more obvious when looking out the window.
My boy has left his reading light on a few times now. It is OK for a few days but if I don't use the car for 4 or 5 days I get in and think the battery has had it ... before realisation dawns. Surely it ought to go out when I lock it?!

I guess a brighter LED might be more obvious when looking out the window.

The little reading light/map light are the only ones iv not changed and I think led to my downfall using the eas unlock suite I left one on for the week while waiting for a new lead, I couldn't clear the fault but it must have cleared but I did have to charge my battery over night as it was dead.

I have since found an old post some one else had similar trouble with a low/flat battery and couldn't get their eas ecu talking to there lap top.

All fixed now and eas kicker lite now purchased for when I don't have my laptop handy and in the glovebox along with my since mate :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Its the first car ever iv actively carried electric gizmos to keep it running:cool:
I upgraded the centre bulbs and rear footwell bulb to leds in mine. Wouldn't do the exteriors in halo's tho. That's for bmw's.

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