Removed both bonnet catches, thoroughly cleaned, greased and slightly bent micro-switch actuating lever, (ever so slightly), in order to eliminate 'Bonnet Open' message that keeps flashing on my display!

Undertook third jet washing of entire engine bay, (lots of shuddering within the forum community), in attempt to remove a little more of the Lincolnshire clay that still adorns EVERY component within the engine bay, (I always run the engine whilst cleaning just in case I manage to knock a cable/connector - makes it easier to diagnose any problems - but she just keeps on running)!!!!

Engine bay is just starting to look a little cleaner - otherwise I may be tempted to remove the engine just to clean it all thoroughly!

Then sprayed entire car, (with water), to check the latest leak status - sunroof drains now ok but there is still a very slight ingress from nearside lower tailgate seal area so I followed one of the earlier suggestions of slightly bending the lower tailgate lip outwards, (to tighten the seal), and this has definitely reduced the leak but not cured it completely.

Jet-washed behind all exterior bodywork trim to remove last traces of clay - water now running clear!

Time for a beer!
Today I had the headlining on my RRC done. It was done by a bloke in Taunton who goes under the name of Blackbrook auto trimming and specialises in all things Landrover. He has done an awesome job and to say I'm chuffed is an understatement. I cannot recommend him enough.
Does that include the fabric etc?

That seems really cheap. Wonder if there's a place in Edinburgh that can do mine.
I've seen that guy he advertises on ebay I believe that includes the removal and refitting of a headlining as well! Its a bargain but I can imagine if you do them all day every day you'll have the procedure down to a T and the fabric pre-cut so you are onto a winner!
I forgot to mention, (in my earlier post), that I scrubbed my headlining, (glass fibre backing), after removing the original cloth, (or at least that bit that was still fixed to the moulding),in preparation for re-lining it myself, (I removed the headlining last week).

Only trouble is I can't make my mind up as to what exact colour, weight and texture I am going to use - despite receiving several samples this morning.

Hoping to do the upper trim panels too.

Hoping mine will look perfectly ok although I can fully appreciate Mick's delight - but my vehicle can't justify 'professional' intervention - just yet!
Just do it your self get a kit from martrim I did
2015-07-18 13.48.32.jpg Before
2015-07-18 16.07.09.jpg After
Dave, what a transformation!

I can second PP38Vogue's remark - your original cloth also looks like mine, (sort of light silver - but certainly not cream, beige or white), would you happen to remember the material code and approximate price - I was going for a very 'light' suede look - but my light and medium samples had no substance to provide any indication of being suede, (pseudo or otherwise)!

Hoping to do mine in the dining room and I already have the 'special' adhesive - just need the cloth!

Not looking forward to the sunroof bit as I rarely have access to a second pair of hands, (to take the weight when removing the final bolt), but I always manage - fitted the rear upper tailgate, myself, a few weeks ago.

Same here!

Ironically my primary reason for buying my P38 was to gain some experience on repairing some of the 'stock' faults, (immobiliser and others that I daren't mention now).

All I seem to have done is lots of cosmetic items and inner panel work, (of which I had no previous experience whatsoever), but, even if I do so, myself, it doesn't look that bad!

Was disappointed at my first attempts at using my MIG Welder but a couple of my motorcycling chums are popping over, later, (one of which is a welder), so I am hoping for a few tips re Power, Wire Speed, etc!

I am sure that they will both take great delight in ridiculing my new project!

Also got to install my new electric gate mechanism, (for the drive), but that will mean more metal work as I need to rehang the gates as they are out of kilter.

Next major RR task will be the relining of the headlining moulding, (and the upper trim panels), once I have decided on colour!

May spend part of afternoon chasing final leak in boot space, (coming in via lower passenger side lower tailgate seal).

Same here!

Ironically my primary reason for buying my P38 was to gain some experience on repairing some of the 'stock' faults, (immobiliser and others that I daren't mention now).

All I seem to have done is lots of cosmetic items and inner panel work, (of which I had no previous experience whatsoever), but, even if I do so, myself, it doesn't look that bad!

Was disappointed at my first attempts at using my MIG Welder but a couple of my motorcycling chums are popping over, later, (one of which is a welder), so I am hoping for a few tips re Power, Wire Speed, etc!

I am sure that they will both take great delight in ridiculing my new project!

Also got to install my new electric gate mechanism, (for the drive), but that will mean more metal work as I need to rehang the gates as they are out of kilter.

Next major RR task will be the relining of the headlining moulding, (and the upper trim panels), once I have decided on colour!

May spend part of afternoon chasing final leak in boot space, (coming in via lower passenger side lower tailgate seal).

Look in RAVE tech bulletins there is a fix for tail gate leaks.
Today I started a dashboard strip down to get at a failed ignition switch. Vogue 07/08
So far it has been what Haynes would call a " 3 spanners " sort of job. Posted on a thread in RR forum.
Dave, what a transformation!

I can second PP38Vogue's remark - your original cloth also looks like mine, (sort of light silver - but certainly not cream, beige or white), would you happen to remember the material code and approximate price - I was going for a very 'light' suede look - but my light and medium samples had no substance to provide any indication of being suede, (pseudo or otherwise)!

Hoping to do mine in the dining room and I already have the 'special' adhesive - just need the cloth!

Not looking forward to the sunroof bit as I rarely have access to a second pair of hands, (to take the weight when removing the final bolt), but I always manage - fitted the rear upper tailgate, myself, a few weeks ago.

I will check my email invoice from martrim iv still got some fabric left I'll have a look see tomorrow, I didn't remove my sunroof feck that I pre-cut a piece coverd the seats n dash in a dust sheet sprayed the glue on the plastic sunroof shade/slide waited 5 mins fitted and trimmed with a sharp blade.

Would be most grateful!

My sunroof cloth is in dire need of replacement and, strangely enough, my sunroof jammed this afternoon, (for the first time ever), when I was trying to 'set' it, (thought it was time to get rid of some more errors from the dash), so I will go for it and I will then check, (and grease), all of the mechanism.

I sprayed the levers with WD 40 and I managed to get it closed fortunately.

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