
I hope they don't have to rely on your P38 to answer a 'shout'...:D:D:D:D:D
I imagine there will be shouts involved. Probably along the lines of "you stupid [explicitly deleted] piece of [explicitly deleted]. Start damn you." Or a rough approximation of that. But to be fair, she has broken down less than your L322. Never been on a flatbed. :p
Went out and looked to see if the interior was full of water after some seriously heavy rain.
Woopee, it's dry, I've fixed the leak:D:D:D
I imagine there will be shouts involved. Probably along the lines of "you stupid [explicitly deleted] piece of [explicitly deleted]. Start damn you." Or a rough approximation of that. But to be fair, she has broken down less than your L322. Never been on a flatbed. :p
Yay, had my passenger wing mirror torn off today. Approaching a bend, guy coming the other way had crossed the white line, I had two choices, head on collision or tuck in as tight as I can to the hedge on the left. I chose the latter option. Unfortunately there was something hard in the hedge which hit my mirror. It was hanging on by the heater wire. Was able to reattach it, the adjust still works, but the glass was smashed rendering it useless. So now I need to get some new glass. Fun. D:
Yay, had my passenger wing mirror torn off today. Approaching a bend, guy coming the other way had crossed the white line, I had two choices, head on collision or tuck in as tight as I can to the hedge on the left. I chose the latter option. Unfortunately there was something hard in the hedge which hit my mirror. It was hanging on by the heater wire. Was able to reattach it, the adjust still works, but the glass was smashed rendering it useless. So now I need to get some new glass. Fun. D:

what a ****ter

I go for the head on crash - they usually **** it when they realise they have more to loose
what a ****ter

I go for the head on crash - they usually **** it when they realise they have more to loose

I doubt it in this instance. It was a farmer in a Ford Ranger. I imagine my vehicle would've come off worse regardless. He could then go out and buy 10 to replace his. I'd be unable to get to work sat on the side of the road waiting for the scrap man and hoping my insurance offered me more than a fiver for my troubles.
took the dehumidifier out of the P38 this morning. Its been in there for the last 3 days and it sapped nearly 1 litre of moisture out of it.
I know this is hard to believe but the vehicle doesn't actually have any water leaks, I only put it in there because I knew I wasn't going to be using it for a few days and I hadn't done it for well over 12 months,

She took me effortlessly to my assessment for MRT. Got a new ID card in the process.


If only the photo was recent. xD

Looking at you photo with that beard you live in the mountins dont you :eek:I can hear banjos ;)
Went out and looked to see if the interior was full of water after some seriously heavy rain.
Woopee, it's dry, I've fixed the leak:D:D:D

Datatek ........... Did you fix it ?? Or did you do the saint v8 Silicone bodge :eek:

Either way as long as its dry :)
Datatek ........... Did you fix it ?? Or did you do the saint v8 Silicone bodge :eek:

Either way as long as its dry :)
Wasn't a bodge....well, OK two tubes of Sealant is a bit excessive, and it worked!!

Ahhhh...the days of P38 Ownership, happy days!!:p
Wasn't a bodge....well, OK two tubes of Sealant is a bit excessive, and it worked!!

Ahhhh...the days of P38 Ownership, happy days!!:p
Tell me more about the lack of leaks in the L322. It isn't as though they leak though the roof seams, or in the rear space all over the electronics. :p
Tell me more about the lack of leaks in the L322. It isn't as though they leak though the roof seams, or in the rear space all over the electronics. :p
That is the inbuilt cascade water inlet for the Dip pool in the spare wheel well....

And as for it pouring over the electronics, that is just Land Rovers way preheating the water before it gets there:D
Tell me more about the lack of leaks in the L322. It isn't as though they leak though the roof seams, or in the rear space all over the electronics. :p
LR also found that allowing the compressor in the wheel well to ingest water firms the suspension up a treat:p:p

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