On later cars, there is a relay between the HEVAC and the compressor so it does not bring up the book symbol if no gas.

Mine has the later Hevac but no relay 3. With no gas, it has the compressor open circuit fault recorded. Take it that this is because the dual pressure switch is not made. With the AC switched off sometimes the book will appear sometimes not, but no other fault is ever recorded. So as i said an enigma. Not exactly a problem unless it doesn't work on gassing the system. May get it done soon and see what happens. :)
Replaced the valve block, driver pack and dryer.

So far, with some testing....it's gone well with no leaks and so far no problems with it sinking or being annoying!
Hauled 4 wheel trailer to Gatwick-ish, some 130 miles, loaded LWB series 3 onto trailer and drove 130 miles back.
P38 was flawless - which is more than I can say for the S3!
Replaced O2 sensors in the blue P38 - what a ball ache getting the old ones out.. fitted new pads on the rear.

Drove the silver one to get a O2 thread chaser.

Took an inventory on the parts on the suffix A

arranged to collect the CSK

Did chuff all with the 1990 classi apart from show it off to a visitor who is stunned by it.

Good range rover day yesterday.

cleaning them today !
Had the pressure washer out to clean the polytunnel plastic so washed some of the winter mud off the P38.
Nearly finished fitting the aftermarket exhaust ie center box and rear boxes. Darn thing is the bad fit, it takes the rear right hand pipes close-ish to the rear right air bag. The exhaust that came off was spot on! They haven't got the bend right to go round the spare wheel box. But have managed to fit it and to solve the problem of my worry of the pipe being closer than I would like to the air bag have got some titanium exhaust pipe wrap which I will fit later in the week and that should solve the heat problem if there is one. Makes a nice sound though.
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Parked it like a #### made it easy to get under the front and wash some oil since its covered all way past middle box think its the furrels on auto box and engine oil pipes.

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