apparently a BMW M3 tank is the same size & shape are the P38 one, and has a level sensor.
E30 tanks came with level sensore36 m3 used the bottle without level sensor same as the p38,
Had to use the P38 as Thunderbird 2 and go and collect my pregnant sister from work as she was flooded in and needed to get to an antenatal course. Passed a lot of stricken hatchbacks and crossovers, didn’t even break a sweat motoring through.

In other news, the tabs in the centre cabin light lens finally gave out and caused the lens to drop out. Does anyone know where I can get one? Don’t want to buy the entire light..


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So do I.
But I find those 2 lines of the last tiles (I was a roofer for a few years) a bit of a :vb-groan2:

We have solar, big investment, but hey mostly off grid.
Prices have dropped dramatically, I can buy 3Kw of panels with inverter, cabling etc for less than €2k now.
Prices have dropped dramatically, I can buy 3Kw of panels with inverter, cabling etc for less than €2k now.

That part is cheaper now agreed, and it all helps the daily cost (and the environment?) we also have batteries to get us through the non sun hours, or non grid hours. They weren’t cheap:oops:.

That part is cheaper now agreed, and it all helps the daily cost (and the environment?) we also have batteries to get us through the non sun hours, or non grid hours. They weren’t cheap:oops:.

Not looking at batteries for the moment. The rules in France limit me to 3Kw, more requires a lot more paperwork.
Not looking at batteries for the moment. The rules in France limit me to 3Kw, more requires a lot more paperwork.

We went with the batteries, we don’t pass back to the grid, as the paperwork was way out there. Even though we have spare in the summer.

We have 5kw.

We went with the batteries, we don’t pass back to the grid, as the paperwork was way out there. Even though we have spare in the summer.

We have 5kw.

I will not be looking for payback from the grid. Night time we have half price electricity which heats the water tanks, the objective is to reduce daytime consumption and thus reduce the bills. As there is a conservation order on the mill, I have to get permission to roof mount the panels. If permission is refused, I have a spot where they can be mounted at ground level for which I do not need permission but the panels would be less efficient.
It's that too stop you turning commercial?
More or less. The French love their paperwork, The rules seem to change from time to time but I think at 9Kw I would effectively become a business and have to pay tax on any income from feedback to the grid. At 3Kw I don't have problem. I have a second property where I could install another 3Kw system and maybe stay out of the clutches of the tax man.
I will not be looking for payback from the grid. Night time we have half price electricity which heats the water tanks, the objective is to reduce daytime consumption and thus reduce the bills. As there is a conservation order on the mill, I have to get permission to roof mount the panels. If permission is refused, I have a spot where they can be mounted at ground level for which I do not need permission but the panels would be less efficient.
Whatever you do, the rate of electricity price increases spending money that’s in the bank (which gives nothing) is a good way to invest, to reduce the bill.
We run a pool during the summer and have no bills. Our problem months are Nov-March, but we have a plan for 1.5kw panels coming in a better winter position.

We brought a “magic“ box for my parents (in the UK) that used up every last spare watt they had, before it went back to the grid. It put it to the immersion heater, even 500w over 6hrs will give hot water.

At the moment, I have a 50 watt panel, charge controller and a leisure battery, this serves to charge our mobile phones & tablets the 18650 batteries used in torches and the decorative lights we use in the evenings in the salon, it also provides an emergency light in the kitchen.
At the moment, I have a 50 watt panel, charge controller and a leisure battery, this serves to charge our mobile phones & tablets the 18650 batteries used in torches and the decorative lights we use in the evenings in the salon, it also provides an emergency light in the kitchen.

All I can say is if you don’t/can’t put back to the grid 3kw. You will be wasting loads unless you store it.

Our house can idle between 90/ 500w load during the day, unless we put on the dishwasher/washing machine or immersion. Which in the winter is rare as the wood burner sorts that.

Its done heaps over xmas and new year, 2200miles,
Went out in my skid car and one of my trailer brakes started sticking did a shocking 11mpg on the way home,
Iv been Inverness and back twice picking up motors for myself no more sticky brakes its back at its normal 17mpg with load on,
Im sure its near service time again
Hitch dratube has a slight play and rattle when its empty and they look like a pest to change so iv just ordered a complete hitch for ease,
New rear light still has condensation which im not happy about so awaiting replacement
All I can say is if you don’t/can’t put back to the grid 3kw. You will be wasting loads unless you store it.

Our house can idle between 90/ 500w load during the day, unless we put on the dishwasher/washing machine or immersion. Which in the winter is rare as the wood burner sorts that.

Our daytime base load sticks around 600 watts, I aim to eliminate that, at least in summer, I'll be lucky to see 100 watts from the panels on an overcast day in winter.
Taking my 4.0 for MOT next week... I'm always nervous. but then, if anything crops up it's always for a reason.. legal & safety one's at that.
The outcome of the test will confirm as to weather I invest in a Nanocom for myself ( when I find the Piggy bank!)
Today I'm aiming to sort the 'Airbag Fault' message that's come up on the dash.. would a Nanocom simply delete that message does anyone know please too?.. or dare I 'play' with the Yellow cables connections under the drivers seat first?
Also due for insurance renewal at the end of the week.. Footman James I have found to be reasonable too.
Fingers Crossed,

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