I think it's a problem with the large 4x4 tyres tbh.. so much air in them and when it's cold overnight, the heavier air molecules separate to the bottom, causing the flat spot

The heavier molecules may settle to the bottom but it won't affect the pressure or volume noticeably in the tyre as it is the number of molecules not the weight of the molecules that will mainly affect the pressure. It is the temperature drop that leaves less energetic molecules that leads to a drop in pressure and or volume. The difference in density could unbalance the tyre slightly until it is mixed up again although you'd think the effect would be marginal, especially after a couple of tyre revolutions. All this business with using nitrogen gas as air is too impure and inconsistent is unlikely to make any difference unless you're in Formula 1.
The heavier molecules may settle to the bottom but it won't affect the pressure or volume noticeably in the tyre as it is the number of molecules not the weight of the molecules that will mainly affect the pressure. It is the temperature drop that leaves less energetic molecules that leads to a drop in pressure and or volume. The difference in density could unbalance the tyre slightly until it is mixed up again although you'd think the effect would be marginal, especially after a couple of tyre revolutions. All this business with using nitrogen gas as air is too impure and inconsistent is unlikely to make any difference unless you're in Formula 1.
if its not heavier molecules sinking to the bottom, why else is the flat spot only ever at the bottom???????? :eek: :rolleyes:
All this business with using nitrogen gas as air is too impure and inconsistent is unlikely to make any difference unless you're in Formula 1.

Well air we breath is about 75 perc nitrogen so you only getting a bit more

Find a hot day - unlikely in your mud island but still

Fill one of your rear tyres with the nitrogen stuff
lower tyre pressure by about 10 perc each side
Find a highway and do 120 kph - clearly not for the welsh

find or use your tyre pressure gauge and you will be very very surprised at the new pressure difference between the two tyres - and That's what causes blowouts
Think I'm gonna treat the landy and replace the power steering fluid.. not a full flush but drain and refill the reservoir

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