P38 is now back on the road :mexicanwave: I just need to sort this EAS issue with ride height. The dog is chuffed to bits now she can go to shooting again.
Do you trust your dog with a gun!? Has it had the snip??? 🀯
ok you knew this question was coming, right?

what is the point in the DPF if a car will pass the emissions test without one? what does DPF actually do other than cause problems and additional emissions that a car without DPF wont generate? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Drove my P38 from Langley to Ferndown this evening. Unfortunately around Winchester, the HEVAC decided to go full cold, even though my AC has lost gas again !! Stopped & connected Nanocom, and aspirator showing 38degC !! Tried blowing into the fan in case of dust, to no avail. Blend servos working ok on Nano, but as expected it always returns control to HEVAC afterwards.

After setting defrost mode & turning heated screens off, the car warmed up. Then tried a few times to select Auto again, but still cold. Then I set it to 26deg & manual towards screen for a while. 10mins later back on auto mode I got warm air out of the lower vents.

Aspirator stayed at 38-40degC the entire journey, so it's gonna be upper panel out in the morning.
Update today. Checked the aspirator fan & it definitely spins when HEVAC starts. Temp is back to 20degC, so I'm now wondering if the heater box is leaking warm air :(. I need to sort the left blend motor, so will check the heater box when I do that.
Smashed the OSF corner of the bumper into the concrete bollard at the edge of my driveway while on a full left lock in reverse trying to avoid a car parked dead opposite. :vb-kaioken:
Luckily front bumpers in good nick are easy to get compared to rear ones.
ok you knew this question was coming, right?

what is the point in the DPF if a car will pass the emissions test without one? what does DPF actually do other than cause problems and additional emissions that a car without DPF wont generate? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Another pointless piece of window dressing IMO, it collects soot particles which then have to be expelled by using more fuel so they come out in one large mass rather than evenly spread. As far as I'm aware there is no emissions test available for the DPF.
Buggrit!! Rain sensor didn't work. Again.
I reckon it means the screen isn't the right thickness.
If it had just died without autoglass involved then i probably wouldn't bother about it. But, they need to fix it!!

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