We went passed on the main road i did think about it but it was getting late and i needed some dinner :(
i gave it full monty up the Ammersham hill toward Beconsfield a brick that size should not go up there that fast:eek:
But imagine the gain once you go back down...
Perhaps the display could change to "gallons per mile" :rolleyes: Obviously owners of these oversize, overweight, overcomplicated overpowered gas guzzlers are not believers in man made climate change:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I don't think any of us do, we drive (or used to drive ) Range Rovers most of them older so, if you believe in all that malarkey,
the "carbon footprint" of said vehicle is history, so we Are doing our bit.:cool:
I don't think any of us do, we drive (or used to drive ) Range Rovers most of them older so, if you believe in all that malarkey,
the "carbon footprint" of said vehicle is history, so we Are doing our bit.:cool:

I don't think I do too badly. One of my cars is 22 years old and the other is 28 years old. Most parts are off scrappers. I drive under 4k miles a year and I do have a push-bike I try to use for journeys under 3 miles. The only thing I tend to buy is beer, which admittedly emits CO2 and after too much I emit a certain amount of CH4!
P38 off to V8 Developments with leaky head gasket(s) and/or dislodged liner(s).
Exhaust gas in the cooling system.
When I took my P38 to V8 Developments I drove it with a blowing head gasket the 120 miles to Lincolnshire. It sounded like an old tractor & turned heads as I drove through towns & villages all along the way through Essex & Suffolk.
When I took my P38 to V8 Developments I drove it with a blowing head gasket the 120 miles to Lincolnshire. It sounded like an old tractor & turned heads as I drove through towns & villages all along the way through Essex & Suffolk.
I chickened out and got mine transported. ÂĢ300 but worth it for the peace of mind.
Took mine for a front tyre to be looked at, been going down for a few days now. Turned out to be damaged on the inside between sidewall and tread so none repairable. Ended up buying 2 part worns for front that were a matching pair and kept the good tyre for a spare.
Interesting thing though was they have 3 bays and 12 of us were waiting. Out of the 12 , 10 had tyre damage and needed replacement tyres. One guy needed a new rim as well. We were all shown our tyres as they came off to show the damage. I use them regular so know a few of the lads and on talking to them they were saying loads of their work is tyre replacement from damage due to the condition of the roads.
Checked battery voltage on mine, 12.4 after being left unlocked for half hour 😎 too wet to **** about, I'll pull it tomorrow and get it on charge.

Had every dash warning appear on Monday morning, limited gears suspension dropping etc etc ign cycle cleared it. Took all week to remember to check voltage ðŸĪĶðŸŧ‍♂ïļ i did check cranking voltage on icarsoft Monday afternoon from cold start, dropped to 6v!
Checked battery voltage on mine, 12.4 after being left unlocked for half hour 😎 too wet to **** about, I'll pull it tomorrow and get it on charge.

Had every dash warning appear on Monday morning, limited gears suspension dropping etc etc took all week to remember to check voltage ðŸĪĶðŸŧ‍♂ïļ i did check cranking voltage on icarsoft Monday afternoon from cold start, dropped to 6v!
Fink its deddid
Fink its deddid
Nah, about 50% ay it? We'd been in and out the car a few times on the Sunday my lads band had a little gig. I've got one of them smart/pulse/caress it with silk gloves chargers so hoping it'll bring it back. I pulled this battery out my audi cuz it was only 18months old so think its still got warranty 👍ðŸŧ
Nah, about 50% ay it? We'd been in and out the car a few times on the Sunday my lads band had a little gig. I've got one of them smart/pulse/caress it with silk gloves chargers so hoping it'll bring it back. I pulled this battery out my audi cuz it was only 18months old so think its still got warranty 👍ðŸŧ
Anything under 10v cranking volts is goosed.
You might get lucky with a full charge and recovery cycle.. if you're lucky

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