8 years is a fair stint for a car battery, but you keep them topped up, maybe some manufacturers are more sensitive/tolerant than others
Have you measured the load voltage on the 8 year old lately?
Without the solar panel plugged in, it sits at 12.6 volts after 24 hours. I check every time I get in the car as I have USB charging sockets with a built in DVM so I see the voltage every time I turn the ignition on.
Without the solar panel plugged in, it sits at 12.6 volts after 24 hours. I check every time I get in the car as I have USB charging sockets with a built in DVM so I see the voltage every time I turn the ignition on.
That's good! I meant the cranking voltage though, not something we usually check until symptoms are already present
That's good! I meant the cranking voltage though, not something we usually check until symptoms are already present
Voltage drops low on the l322 when you turn the ignition on, so many computers to power up! In fact plenty power up when you open the door, just in case you might want to start the engine. That's already caught me out once
For me, 12.72 everything off having sat overnight without a charger.
Unlock doors and within a minute, dropped to 12.3.
Ignition on, rises to 11.6 once the glow plugs go off!
Ignition off again and rises to 12.2 after a couple of mins 🤯
After another minute or 2, steering lock activated and volts rises to 12.5
Moved the RHD P38 to the barn to prep it for the MOT. Not happy to find a leaking half shaft seal on the front offside. Even less happy to find a crack in the sump in pretty much the same place as a crack in the sump of my LHD P38. I thought the crack on the LHD was due to abuse but perhaps not as both have the same problem.
The Hankook MF31 in my daily driver must be 6-8 years old & still going strong. Only ever had to put the charger on once, and that was due to the usual RF interference. Marty's fob-filter solved that.
Well mine has made it to Wales without missing a beat once I jump started it the new battery was down to 12.4v and 387cca it will be sent back when I get home , even after 3hours down the motorway it was 12.7 and 560cca so not good.
Well mine has made it to Wales without missing a beat once I jump started it the new battery was down to 12.4v and 387cca it will be sent back when I get home , even after 3hours down the motorway it was 12.7 and 560cca so not good.
Alternators are not good at charging batteries that are flat, 3 hours is nothing on a 120AH battery. It took 48 hours on a 4 amp smart charger to fully charge an MF31-1000 before I fitted it.

Ready for the off😁
I owe Elliot a text, he's after a HEVAC which I no longer have. What's wrong with his one?
We have an early one which we did the relay bypass and his original one which turned out to be an early one as well🤷‍♂️ both buggered and won't support the air compressor. His system works brilliantly but no supporting command. His is a 2000my.
Gave him a boost charge yesterday, then put the dehumidifier in him overnight. Cover off, dehumidifier off and took him for a 2 hour 55 mile waft around north west Cheshire today - first time out in 10 weeks or so since we moved.
One false start - probably fuel vaporisation / air in system, started fine second attempt and worked faultlessly the whole run of mixed driving. Saw another P38 (green) that was leaving Delamare station as we drove past.
Checked when we got home, the hot starting issue is still there, although he was starting poorly and running rough for a minute or 2 before it cleared, unlike before we moved house where he was refusing to hot start.
No fault codes on the Nano, so guessing it is a fuel pressure issue. Fingers crossed it is some sort of vacuum pipe leak / issue like the non-working cruise control seems to be, rather than the £100+ for the fuel pressure control unit....

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