Wafted to the brother in law's and back, including popping to the shops and discovering another location not to park due to (probably) the local CCTV WiFi links blocking the key and making it almost impossible to start. Think I need to get to grips with the nanocom and get the immobiliser turned off.
Ordered a pair of fresh number plates with a proper sized rear number plate as mines just a normal sized plate in the big void,
Proper vs normal sized? I is confuzzled
Sorry i ment proper size for the boot space for the plate,

My old one here had a proper sized plate

My new ones got a normal sized squint plate in the big void
Wafted to the brother in law's and back, including popping to the shops and discovering another location not to park due to (probably) the local CCTV WiFi links blocking the key and making it almost impossible to start. Think I need to get to grips with the nanocom and get the immobiliser turned off.

If it is suffering from RF interference then the only fix is a gen 3 receiver, one of Marty's filters or Brian's remote jog switch trick.

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