I do have A/C ice cold thankfully, I do like to have the window open however not much of a fan of the turbulence these remove alot of it..

And I like the style ;)
I was gonna say, "whatever blows your skirt up" but you might take offence!
Any nearer a wedding yet?
Talking of skirts, dresses and the like.
Wifey off with the dottir who will be getting remarried in May, just to buy wifey a pair of shoes for it.
I've been forced to buy a new white shirt for it. £30 for one day. FFS.
But I am not knocking weddings, my first was fun but my second in Haynes Motor museum was brill!!
I was gonna say, "whatever blows your skirt up" but you might take offence!
Any nearer a wedding yet?
Talking of skirts, dresses and the like.
Wifey off with the dottir who will be getting remarried in May, just to buy wifey a pair of shoes for it.
I've been forced to buy a new white shirt for it. £30 for one day. FFS.
But I am not knocking weddings, my first was fun but my second in Haynes Motor museum was brill!!
Sold my Daimler Xj to pay for mine ;)
Sold my Daimler Xj to pay for mine ;)
No matter what you do all weddings cost a bit of money.
but you can save a fortune if you are canny.
Dottir one's first wedding was hugely expensive even though Wifey made her bridesmaid's dresses and helped sort out her own dress after the shop making it went bust and all they could do was give her the one from the window display that was too big. They hired cars from a museum, had the reception at a golf course and the photographer was the most arrogant prick you have ever seen. even the church was not cheap.
and here she goes again with the whole 9 yards.
Second dottir did it on the cheap, Wifey made the wedding dress and the bridesmaid's dresses. She even beaded a bodice for her dress, massively expensive if she had had to pay for it commercially. I did the photography and made the invites and the order of service. Other friends did lots so it turned out really cheap.
And when Wifey and I got married we had Haynes do the catering but brought our own wine/champagne/etc so they only charged us corkage which was nothing.
What we learned really quickly was that if you told anyone "it's for a wedding" they double the price, at least. From hire of a marquee to a disco. They think it is a licence to print money.
Wasn't it Shakespeare who said "love is a money spending thing"
Anyway I do hope you eventually get to have your day!
You have waited so long i think you deserve it!!
I was gonna say, "whatever blows your skirt up" but you might take offence!
Any nearer a wedding yet?
Talking of skirts, dresses and the like.
Wifey off with the dottir who will be getting remarried in May, just to buy wifey a pair of shoes for it.
I've been forced to buy a new white shirt for it. £30 for one day. FFS.
But I am not knocking weddings, my first was fun but my second in Haynes Motor museum was brill!!
£30 for a shirt and a pair of shoes, you got off lightly there mate, have to hide the plastic when my model goes shopping.:D
£30 for a shirt and a pair of shoes, you got off lightly there mate, have to hide the plastic when my model goes shopping.:D
No, no, no no.
£30 for the fecking ornery short sleeved white shirt from M&S!!!!!

wifey is spending the whole day with dottir looking for her shoes. (And her own plastic!!)
At least I have ones that will past muster.
(And prolly kill my feet by the end of the day. Loakes Oxfords I only wear on V special occasions!)
No, no, no no.
£30 for the fecking ornery short sleeved white shirt from M&S!!!!!

wifey is spending the whole day with dottir looking for her shoes. (And her own plastic!!)
At least I have ones that will past muster.
(And prolly kill my feet by the end of the day. Loakes Oxfords I only wear on V special occasions!)
I was only joking, mate I feel your pain.All mine are wed so if they want a repeat performance they can pay themselves.;):D
I was only joking, mate I feel your pain.All mine are wed so if they want a repeat performance they can pay themselves.;):D
Talking of weddings @mozz smith's daughter got married on Friday so anyone on the roads between North Wales and Stockport look out for a wide load, it'll be him with the wedding cake He wouldn't call in in case he had to share. Bloody cake munching Manc.:p:D:D
I was only joking, mate I feel your pain.All mine are wed so if they want a repeat performance they can pay themselves.;):D
Oh don't worry,;)
all ours are wed, one going for her second and none of them cost us actual money, just time and effort for two of them.
Third got married in Japan, being male his wife's family paid for it and they are rolling in it, seeing as how dad owns a chip making company!!:eek::D
None are mine, all step, but their real dad din't do much, just put a few quid behind the bar.:(
In fact this one will cost us a lot more money, not that we are doing anything for the wedding itself, just that we'll have to come back from France for it, so roughly €1000, what with fuel, autoroute fees, hotels, ferry crossings etc. But at least we will be able to bring wine to here with us and take a new trailer back with us to France!:):):)
Oh don't worry,;)
all ours are wed, one going for her second and none of them cost us actual money, just time and effort for two of them.
Third got married in Japan, being male his wife's family paid for it and they are rolling in it, seeing as how dad owns a chip making company!!:eek::D
None are mine, all step, but their real dad din't do much, just put a few quid behind the bar.:(
In fact this one will cost us a lot more money, not that we are doing anything for the wedding itself, just that we'll have to come back from France for it, so roughly €1000, what with fuel, autoroute fees, hotels, ferry crossings etc. But at least we will be able to bring wine to here with us and take a new trailer back with us to France!:):):)
I didn't know Mc Cain was a Japanese name:D
Oh don't worry,;)
all ours are wed, one going for her second and none of them cost us actual money, just time and effort for two of them.
Third got married in Japan, being male his wife's family paid for it and they are rolling in it, seeing as how dad owns a chip making company!!:eek::D
None are mine, all step, but their real dad din't do much, just put a few quid behind the bar.:(
In fact this one will cost us a lot more money, not that we are doing anything for the wedding itself, just that we'll have to come back from France for it, so roughly €1000, what with fuel, autoroute fees, hotels, ferry crossings etc. But at least we will be able to bring wine to here with us and take a new trailer back with us to France!:):):)
Look out for customs duty and TVA if the trailer is new:eek:
Look out for customs duty and TVA if the trailer is new:eek:
It's not going to stay in France, it is just visiting, it will have English plates on it matching the Disco. We will not be importing it.
We will also have a ticket to come back with the trailer mentioned on it.
Might have to spray it with mud and give it the odd ding, which would be a shame!
We've never had a problem with our other trailer. But admittedly that was before Brexit. I admit our method of taking the wife's car to France and back is a little odd, but it's the only safe way, seeing as she can't drive long distances now and once drove off the road having fallen asleep.
Hmm thats not good.



Valley gasket, very nice.
Look out for customs duty and TVA if the trailer is new:eek:
We are taking this seriously. We have had a discussion (row) about this. We have a couple of months in France to find out where we stand before this happens. We'll talk to whoever matters.:rolleyes:
But thanks very much for the heads up.
I do vaguely remember reading about this sort of thing somewhere but am bugred if I can remember where.
If you have any other information about all this I would be enormously grateful.
Cheers mate!

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