Pads moving in the caliper?
Further investigation and its osf according to the Doris, she was laid on the drive(fnurr fnurr) and me trying to replicate the noise driving up and down the short drive. Left it until tomorrow when I've more time.
Pads is the obvious suspect when driving but it's a different noise on the drive and much quieter. Sounds more inboard as well. Bush maybe.
Further investigation and its osf according to the Doris, she was laid on the drive(fnurr fnurr) and me trying to replicate the noise driving up and down the short drive. Left it until tomorrow when I've more time.
Pads is the obvious suspect when driving but it's a different noise on the drive and much quieter. Sounds more inboard as well. Bush maybe.

The rear shafts are glued in using green Loctite (648?). If that goes then you'll get a brief click as the slack gets taken up. There's a TSB about it in RAVE. You'll get it if you change direction on the drive: put it in reverse, go back a bit and then brake until you stop. Put in forward and pull away and you'll hear the click. If it does it on braking then something else. Friction material come off the brake pad backing? Diff?
The rear shafts are glued in using green Loctite (648?). If that goes then you'll get a brief click as the slack gets taken up. There's a TSB about it in RAVE. You'll get it if you change direction on the drive: put it in reverse, go back a bit and then brake until you stop. Put in forward and pull away and you'll hear the click. If it does it on braking then something else. Friction material come off the brake pad backing? Diff?
I've noticed that click sometimes but never worried about it.. is it a worry or just a click?
Further investigation and its osf according to the Doris, she was laid on the drive(fnurr fnurr) and me trying to replicate the noise driving up and down the short drive. Left it until tomorrow when I've more time.
Pads is the obvious suspect when driving but it's a different noise on the drive and much quieter. Sounds more inboard as well. Bush maybe.
See you weren't daft enough to let her drive whilst you lay on the drive.:D:D;)
I've noticed that click sometimes but never worried about it.. is it a worry or just a click?

It worried me but I touch cloth at the slightest noise that is out of place. These days I am reduced to a whimpering wreck praying I make it to my destination.

My theory would be slack will get bigger until the splines are worn and a whole new hub and shaft is required but how long that would take is anyone's guess. Depends how you drive to some extent.

Typical Land Rover tolerance. Loose? Hit it with a hammer. Still loose? Chuck some Loctite in there. It's all the fault of this bl**dy Eiropean metric business. Messes with our tooling that is still in inches.
The rear shafts are glued in using green Loctite (648?). If that goes then you'll get a brief click as the slack gets taken up. There's a TSB about it in RAVE. You'll get it if you change direction on the drive: put it in reverse, go back a bit and then brake until you stop. Put in forward and pull away and you'll hear the click. If it does it on braking then something else. Friction material come off the brake pad backing? Diff?

See you weren't daft enough to let her drive whilst you lay on the drive.:D:D;)
I did that once, lay in front of the NSF wheel of our old camper van, face up against the tyre, left arm stretched up wiggling with the exciter connection on the starter motor. Doris in the cab with instructions to make sure it's in neutral AND to press the clutch pedal before she tried to crank.
She did neither and my wiggling was successful so it lurched forward giving me a face full of tyre :mad:. I can move quick when I need to, I've learnt that.
I don't trust her at all.
Lovely wife but dangerous hoppo :D. I've had a look at duchess again and can't see anything amiss but I need a trusted person to drive it while I investigate further. That maybe this weekend hopefully.
Managed to get a screw in one rear tyre on monday needed a new tyre,,, same again this morning picked up a screw right by the sidewall, that 2 continentals with 6mm tread destroyed and replaced in 1 week :mad:
My theory would be slack will get bigger until the splines are worn and a whole new hub and shaft is required but how long that would take is anyone's guess. Depends how you drive to some extent.
Think you’ve pinned down the click I have had for years. Comes from rhs rear, changing shock made no difference always presumed it was the coil ^^^ explains why is only one side ln certain conditions. Got to be getting on for ten years now never got any worse
Bugger, and is that tin worm starting at your wheel arches?
Unfortunately it is after 3 years and 60k miles under its belt with me its starting to show its age, was ment too be sorted tail end of last year but me and my childs mother mutually went our own ways so its just sort of had the if it starts its being driven treatment work and income and time with kiddo has been more important
Unfortunately it is after 3 years and 60k miles under its belt with me its starting to show its age, was ment too be sorted tail end of last year but me and my childs mother mutually went our own ways so its just sort of had the if it starts its being driven treatment work and income and time with kiddo has been more important
It's not the right way to sort it, but, it'd be worth slapping a bit of jenolite or something similar on there to slow the bastid stuff down.
Doncha have Aircon? If you is too much of a wuss to have the wind blowin in?
No offence mind!!!;)
Or is it for the lady friend?
In which case I take it all back!
ANYTHING to get a wimmins to open a window. Mine won't!
I do have A/C ice cold thankfully, I do like to have the window open however not much of a fan of the turbulence these remove alot of it..

And I like the style ;)

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