It's an AMK.

I've order one from Bearmach, one of the cheapies, which I'll install to get things running then refurb the AMK that I take out. Once that's done, I'll swap them around and keep the cheapy as a spare.

why not just repair, I think it took me a leisurely few hrs including lots of tea and fags:D.
its 15mins to get it out, then you can clamp your vise to the kitchen table in the warm:).
The hardest bit is lifting that monster spare out of the wheel well, luckily M brought the strap thingy (no not that:eek:) to lift then its only a slide for the spare.

why not just repair, I think it took me a leisurely few hrs including lots of tea and fags:D.
its 15mins to get it out, then you can clamp your vise to the kitchen table in the warm:).
The hardest bit is lifting that monster spare out of the wheel well, luckily M brought the strap thingy (no not that:eek:) to lift then its only a slide for the spare.

Miserable missus.:(:D:D
why not just repair....

....... luckily M brought the strap thingy (no not that:eek:) to lift then its only a slide for the spare.


Well, this way I at least have a spare and can put a known good one in. I don't even know if the existing one works at all :)

And yes, I've heard all about your strap thingies ;)
I don't think Otto will be bouncing up like that after 5 months or so. Going to be a good few minutes getting the system charged a bit first. Hoping he'll sound like that soon enough, but know its going to be horrible bag of spanners while the tappets fill properly first.

Bought a small space dehumidifier to run in him and try to deal with the damp that has built up before we get him running. Will see tomorrow how well that has worked.

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