EAS is acting up again. Thinks the handbrake is on when it's not, thinks the doors are always closed. Switches are ok so just be a dodgy connection to the EAS ecu.. is that under the passenger seat?
Don't get me started again Alan. LOL. Just been up the market and our town ex wannabe is up there wearing his hi viz ****e again parading around like he owns the place. Some folk just cannot let go when they leave the service. Sad f**ker.
I found that many weren't prepared for civvie life.my ex brother in law,not the one who was ex Grenadier Guards but the ex RAF corporal thought the world owed him big time. I guess some let the power go to their heads, others read too many Lee Child's FICTION and think they're Major Jack Reacher.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
I found that many weren't prepared for civvie life.my ex brother in law,not the one who was ex Grenadier Guards but the ex RAF corporal thought the world owed him big time. I guess some let the power go to their heads, others read too many Lee Child's FICTION and think they're Major Jack Reacher.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Indeed Alan, Indeed. Nowt as queer as folk mate and sadly there are loads of them do-gooder types around today making the world the place it is today sadly. Get rid of them all, do a full control alt delete reset and carry on i say.
Oil and filter change and flushed the intercooler. Switched the hoses over ro rhe silicone ones from @Enthusiastman so looking smarter.

Is the plastic inlet manifold inlet smaller than the alloy one? That hose was damn tight.
Oil and filter change and flushed the intercooler. Switched the hoses over ro rhe silicone ones from @Enthusiastman so looking smarter.

Is the plastic inlet manifold inlet smaller than the alloy one? That hose was damn tight.
No Jules, its that way buddy. I found that too but at least you know its on and those lovely SS clamps i sent you look the dogs mate. Glad you got them on mate. No chance of them ever collapsing and as RangeRollerdt said just slightly different diametre due to no EGR on yours. Stick a bottle of diesel fuel additive in too mate while your at it and give it a good italian service. LOL

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