its on the to do list. i dunno if it just needs regassing or its fooked. also have a broke distriubtion motor. No air from facia vents
:hysterically_laughi Nah, car parks in the shopping mall are free here:mooning:

Most of them are around here too. The fair few that aren't, I avoid. Only thing I have to roll em down for are toll booths when crossing the Humber and hollering at the hunnies. :p
Is there a way to check if the air con compressor work
Depends on year, I don't know which year it changed but later cars operate the aircon clutch via a relay, if yours has the relay, it's not difficult to bridge the relay and see if the clutch engages. Personally i would just have a leak test done, fix the leak and re-gas because in most cases the compressor is OK.
Aircon is great for keepng the windows mist free and the carpets dry in winter:)

lol ill see if the mrs will let me park it in the living room too! How much would it cost to get tested/gassed?

I desperately need to get these seats sold to get some more pennies!
lol ill see if the mrs will let me park it in the living room too! How much would it cost to get tested/gassed?

I desperately need to get these seats sold to get some more pennies!
Kwick **** will apparantly do a leak test for free according to some other threads. Actually I think you go for a re-gas and when they VAC it out if there is a leak you pay nowt. As I'm not in the UK I can't be sure, here it costs €59.
I just hate the idea of them idiots being anywhere near my car. last time it cost me to have 40 Quid to have a tyre bead cleaned and resealed, also had a massive row because the split the seal on B-pillar which they obviously denied!
There are a lot of places that can re-gas, look for a local indy that can do it. One near me charges £30.
I got mine gassed at Merityres - £59 and the give you a digital printout of the vac test results, what they evacuated and what they put in (both oil and refridgerant)...
Kwick **** will apparantly do a leak test for free according to some other threads. Actually I think you go for a re-gas and when they VAC it out if there is a leak you pay nowt. As I'm not in the UK I can't be sure, here it costs €59.
+1 kwick **** will drain & fill for about £50 odd quid but if it don't work there is no charge;)
+1 kwick **** will drain & fill for about £50 odd quid but if it don't work there is no charge;)

mite give it a bash next weekend then. I will go to a different one to last time though, dont think ill be welcome back after last time.

Also went for a nice long drive over saddleworth today and the car felt amazing, reminded me why even though they are a pain in the arse, when they are on song its great and a pleasure to have.:crazy_driver:

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