THAT Sir is what mopping should do do paintwork, if there is enough left (i.e it's thick enough). Definitely been resprayed at some stage though.

No comment on the vehicle though, although does allude to a certain profession type. ;)
Nice and clean, engine bay looks great but don't like the side vents and wheels, dont think the front grill looks to be fitting right either or is that just me. Everybody to thier own, but think it may be as usefull as a chocolate ashtray in the white stuff.
fook.... some people have way, way to much polishing time om their hands.... or dont work for a livin...........................
I like the seats too and the engine bay looks quite nice too, but the wheels are a no no and I am not too keen on the sport vents in the wings
Someone has spent a serious amount of time and money on that. Just shows you how much more a modified vehicle is worth over and above a standard one. Answer is not a lot.:D:D:D
Older classics came with an option for a gun rack /case in the boot.

Does this crock come with an option of a case for the shell suits and white trainers?
I think the time is right to repeat myself.

Why are p38s with 22" wheels always parked outside council houses?
Wow.... would I drive it... no, would I spend all that money doing it... no, would I condem it and slag it off..... no, why would I, someone spent a lot of time and money doing that and whatever the reasons behind it... its his (or her) choice, there is a lot of helpful people of this forum, but f*ck me some of you are quick to condem other peoples vehicles

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