don't worry about it..:)
mine's not got one in..

came out the 90 and went straight in the cupboard...:D

Mine got stolen from my last 90... :(

We kind of have to take the M1 anyway so erm you can't really stop us :D

If we are not wanted it's ok... We can just burn past you all at 85mph burning a yorkie flag :eek:
85MPH :eek: in a landy...:D

Ok, I exaggerated for dramatic effect... :D it does drive nicely at 70 on the motorway though, the old one used to shake a bit (lot) if you went over 55... I tend to just bumble along slowly anyway... Means I can look out the window, sing, pet the dog, apply my lippy etc etc
All are welcome, timings and route there for as many of us as possible.
Cb not necessary, helps if your at back and breakdown, need a **** or for us yorkies o take the ****
Not sure about having to inform police about convoy, don't see why they need to knows has we don't want roads closing or any special treatment.
Junction 40 - could either be outside my house 1/2 mile from junction or
Just after exit is a small industrial estate, no real parking but not busy enough not to be able to pull up on side of road.

could meet in the car park of of the gym down there maybe? or the butty van further down? or just make it easier n meet at woolley edge services southbound? :D
I have a cb so we could sit someone at the front that knows where they are going with a cb n someone at the back with one in case we get peeps in between disappearing :D
Good idea LCBandit, on the cb front, we have a couple of series (petrol) joining us and they don't go much above 50mph so thought they could sit in first few vehicles to determine speed etc.
I am going to do a route map so those with passenger can follow but all will get one.
I was hoping to provide free cuppa and toilet facilities for those coming from a distance (I know you can get at services but here it will be free) but will go with majority.
Input from all is sought
Good idea LCBandit, on the cb front, we have a couple of series (petrol) joining us and they don't go much above 50mph so thought they could sit in first few vehicles to determine speed etc.
I am going to do a route map so those with passenger can follow but all will get one.
I was hoping to provide free cuppa and toilet facilities for those coming from a distance (I know you can get at services but here it will be free) but will go with majority.
Input from all is sought

Sounds good. Cb has been imputed into hubby's defender. I'm crying out to get help on Hollys series gearbox at the moment as she's desperate to come join us. Where are we meeting? Wooley edge services? It's dead easy to get to the venue. m1 then turn left. Do a little U turn in village cos you missed right turn. Campsite on left. Hahaha.
We are happy to meet anywhere... Services might be a good idea? Easy to find for everyone?
need to get your tickets folks so we have a rough idea on how many are going to turn up
Have i missed something? ! There are quiet a few of us going from Yorkshire, or there was!! :)

Not sure everyone has bought tickets yet so nuffink is certain :Cry:

The control freak side of me just wants to know EXACTLY what is happening and when and with who and where and please everyone buy your tickets :Cry:

And the paranoid side of me is worried we will turn up to some services on the M1 and nobody else will be there and then me, Dutch and labramutt will never find out way to the site or home :eek: