only be a couple of tarps.
the rest's been there for years.

- 2 tarps
- 1 heavy duty piece of DPM
- 1 pedal cycle (dusty)
- At least 1 tyre (possibly mine)
- 1 rear Vauxhall Calibra standard ride height coil spring (definitely mine)
- 1 Piece of 4"x4" kiln dried timber (sticking out of the cab window)
- 1 piece of 4"x4" kiln dried timber (sat on the bonnet)
- 1 16amp 110v extension lead
- 1 3 phase 32A plug (possibly attached to a piece of flex)

and possibly a load more I can't see :D
Pmsl and you talk about my lists Look forward to seeing your Landy. I knew it was there, just never actually been able to see it
Jobs I'd like to do this year now the MOT's out of the way, and once the Merc bus is gone with the increased space (hopefully) available... subject to other member's vehicle priority etc.

Replace the injector loom (may still attempt that outside my house...)
New rear brake pads (see above :D)
OSF shock bottom bush change (I reckon I'll definitely need help on that one!)
Transmission & axle fluid changes (nice to use a 4 post ramp for this ;) )
Try and sort the handbrake/low fluid warning light working when it wants to issue.
Clean out the intercooler :eek:
- 2 tarps mine
- 1 heavy duty piece of DPM not mine, dunno who's or where from
- 1 pedal cycle (dusty) probably mine, might be district's
- At least 1 tyre (possibly mine) think theres 2, both yours
- 1 rear Vauxhall Calibra standard ride height coil spring (definitely mine) yes.
- 1 Piece of 4"x4" kiln dried timber (sticking out of the cab window) its on't bonnet. see john, it was burrying his toybox so he shifted it at a guess.
- 1 piece of 4"x4" kiln dried timber (sat on the bonnet) see above
- 1 16amp 110v extension lead think yer'l find its on the wire rack
- 1 3 phase 32A plug (possibly attached to a piece of flex) as above

and possibly a load more I can't see :D probably
Right when we going back to wales then i say some time in october just not the last weekend for me.:D:D
I tell ya i couldn't organize a **** up in a brewery.I said not the last weekend because it's my wife birthday and you have just put the 11th 12th up which reminded me it's our wedding anniversary and i will be in Barcelona what a twunt.:scratching_chin::mad::violent:
I tell ya i couldn't organize a **** up in a brewery.I said not the last weekend because it's my wife birthday and you have just put the 11th 12th up which reminded me it's our wedding anniversary and i will be in Barcelona what a twunt.:scratching_chin::mad::violent:

Well perhaps not October then, I am intending to organise a trip of some kind on the 11th and 12th :D:D:D
Oh dear I broke it in wales

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