Oh dear I broke it in wales

So a Dave 2 then.:D
I didn't break Daves exhaust:p....he's even had a wash, my daughter came home from school and asked if I had changed the colour of the car:eek::lol::lol:
Glad i am no longer in the TANK category :eek: many thanks to neil for hopefully my first of many steps learning to weld :D
And we sorted out the overheating, it wasn't overheating, just appeared to be.

Had a very fast scary drive out with Neil (poor Landy has never gone so fast on the road or over Keighley gate) Managed to get the temperature gauge to go up but the engine wasn't too hot.

So now its getting a new sender and if that doesn't work Neil is going to investigate the electrics :D

And he found another fault, my steering (which we fixed last week) has developed more problems. Must be all the bashing about over rocks
And we sorted out the overheating, it wasn't overheating, just appeared to be.

Had a very fast scary drive out with Neil (poor Landy has never gone so fast on the road or over Keighley gate) Managed to get the temperature gauge to go up but the engine wasn't too hot.

So now its getting a new sender and if that doesn't work Neil is going to investigate the electrics :D

And he found another fault, my steering (which we fixed last week) has developed more problems. Must be all the bashing about over rocks

what she's failed to mention, is that it aint overheating, just the gauge is reading high.
did suggest rotating the gauge so the needle points vertical and tippex'ing a new bit of white onto it :D
sender swap, if that don't cure the (HIGH INDICATED READING SUE) then investigate for dodgy dash earths.
the top of the white on the gauge is normal operating temperature.
and the engine still physically runs cool.

got me own back trying to boil it tho. didn't know sue could squeal :D
All true :eek::eek:

While doing the legal speed limit (60mph) over Keighley Gate trying to get my parts store in the back airborne, Neil mentioned he always wanted to do Landy racing.

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