a bit of preventative (routine) maintenance would be better :D
how much lift is on it?

Yeah I know lol, only had the defender two months so it's a bit of a learning curve as to what needs maintaining, it looks like it hasn't been maintained for quite a while though! I think its a 2" lift going on what previous owner said
Did Zip manage back ok ??

Yes fine, except we both nearly hit a house near West Burton :eek::eek:

I dont know what Zip did but I braked for an S bend and the brakes locked and it slid. Only just let them off and managed to swerve or I would have hit it head on. Nasty little road with no warning that suddenly turned back on itself.
Phew, close call! Anything you get away with and/or walk away from is good ;)

Why'd you guys get pulled - suspected dogging in Landys? ..:D or just late night spot checks (sometimes a good thing).
omg just watched vid i really don't think i could do that at all especially when they are leaning towards what looks like a drop to the right!!!
Why'd you guys get pulled - suspected dogging in Landys? ..:D or just late night spot checks (sometimes a good thing).

Sheep rustling, I had one riding shotgun!!

Nope, he said he was just checking as there's a lot get stolen, which is fair enough. Rather that than not stopping anyone.

I thought he was pulling me as I had my roof and spot lights on (100w spots) shining right into his car when he was parked by the cross roads in Starbotton.
Why'd you guys get pulled - suspected dogging in Landys? ..:D or just late night spot checks (sometimes a good thing).

Just checking it wasn't stolen for me,They just put the blue lights on then pulled up along the side of me and asked my name and if i was heading home if so where is that,told them and they were happy.Nice to be pulled tbh show they know there is a problem with stolen Land Rovers.
omg just watched vid i really don't think i could do that at all especially when they are leaning towards what looks like a drop to the right!!!

There is a trick for that and it is to look where you're going not around you or else you will end up there.:D:D.Learnt this while out on the mountain bike:rolly::D
just checking it wasn't stolen for me,they just put the blue lights on then pulled up along the side of me and asked my name and if i was heading home if so where is that,told them and they were happy.nice to be pulled tbh show they know there is a problem with stolen land rovers.

Omg. What happened after we left. Sheep rustling and dogging. Our lot will be getting a bad name on here
"will be getting" .. wrong tense dear, "has got" works better ..


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