Cheers Neil, don't think the engines been damaged, (maybe wishful thinking!)it didn't sound too bad to say there wasn't much oil in! Is my prop buggered and due to fail by sound of description?

but thats going on your description.

but thats going on your description.

Due to the issues with the landy, I'm dropping out of the laning trip this evening, think its wise until I can get it checked over at the garage, don't fancy been stuck in middle of nowhere especially when I have work in the morning :(
I think thats a sensible decision, there will be another trip very soon I'm sure ( I would get proper recovery cover before then too :D:D:D)




200s mate


Mick and Tim

Due to the issues with the landy, I'm dropping out of the laning trip this evening, think its wise until I can get it checked over at the garage, don't fancy been stuck in middle of nowhere especially when I have work in the morning :(

sounds like you got your landy from pennine lol :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
if its ujs fiver each dont buy a new prop , will it grease up is their any grease in ujs

can service a prop normally

Not properly checked yet, gonna go remove it in a min, it felt like it had movement up and down where the splines meet and not on the ujs? If that makes any sense lol!
Unless diff is just a mindless vandal and wants to kill all the bushes?

The "bushes" concerned are really a scruffy, scraggly bit of vegetation, loosely referred to as landscaping on the parking spaces at the back of my house..

mindelss? vandal? ... possibly, maybe.. I do drive a Disco and am a complete numpty when it comes to the correct order for refitting a fuel pump - FIT THE SEAL TO THE TANK OPENING FIRST!!! :doh:

(there weren't that much diesel in the pump - just enough to make a mess of the boot floor had it tipped over..)
..just to clarify are we talking 35 degrees of play in the u/j? OR the u/js are fine and it's "only" the backlash between transfer box and differential?

It's the backlash, is that excessive though? Just had another quick look the ujs have very slight play (up/down & left to right but the main play is on the prop where the splines are

It's the backlash, is that excessive though? Just had another quick look the ujs have very slight play (up/down & left to right but the main play is on the prop where the splines are
backlash is a tad excessive but not unusual. get used to the transmission clunk for a while.
spline wobble is due to lack of lube. only way round this is another prop. (decent 2nd hand would suffice)
keep the speed down for a bit, and get some grearse shoved in there.
Cheers Neil, I have the clunk already when changing gear etc, would a wide angle prop be better to fit with the vehicle been lifted or would that entail replacing both props? Just checked oil it took 4.5 litres so it had a smudge left in!
Cheers Neil, I have the clunk already when changing gear etc, would a wide angle prop be better to fit with the vehicle been lifted or would that entail replacing both props? Just checked oil it took 4.5 litres so it had a smudge left in!

a bit of preventative (routine) maintenance would be better :D
how much lift is on it?
Great night laning :D:D

Good to see everyone again. Hope everyone gets home OK and is not in the river at Stalling Busk :D:D:D

Zips motor broke so we had to leave early but still had a fantastic time.

Stake was best, lovely deep puddles and it was snowing as well :D:D

Thanks to Kate for being brave enough to be passenger, especially when we nearly demolished a house on the way home :D
Just got home now, left the rest of them too it as I've got work tomorrow.

Great time, had a bash at Cam Steps, just about got up and not under my own steam. Great time
None the less. Thanks!

There was also a lovely image of Landys meandering up the hill and you could just see spots of lights. It looked good, but apparently my camera saw it different to me:

Oh and I also got pulled on the way home.
Yep good nights laning,thanks to Zip and Sue.We went on to do cam steps, the roman road and back over Stalling Busk and stake all washed down with a 1/4lb cheesburger large fries and a latte.:D:D

I also got pulled on the way home.

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