Might do Jack good after all the excitement and party food on Saturday. Not sure you and Kate will have any energy left though :D:D:D:D

And I promised I would stop calling Timandmick names, dont you start :doh:

its ok suew ,i can take it :)titandick ford ,lol
The ford at Brighouse was highest I've seen it in a while last night. Although I think it was only about 9 inch max.

Saw a fender having a few runs through it as well.

Brighouse ford does get really high, it covers footpath when in full flood, went through with it up to windscreen that was quite scary, search on YouTube there's some vids on there when it's in flood!
Right, I'm ready for tomorrow. Minor disaster with the headlamp, but Neil rescued me :D:D

Thanks Neil
LOL If you have fixed it. Proper you should have at least. 1 bit left, it's. When you haven't enough bits you're. In trouble. LOL, m
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Few pictures from today.

Ran out of memory on the phone. Should probably invest in a camera, or delete some stuff.

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