Got a few photos which my friend Andy took early on in the trip at Belford.




Brilliant photos again Diff, I really need to learn how to use my camera :D

Have a great day tomorrow folks, take loads of pics. :D:D:D

Absolutely gutted I cant come with you

Was supposed to be sorting my mothers house out. Now I'm sorting horses and my daughters car instead. Some idiot taxi driver ran into the back of her in Leeds last night. She and her friend ended up at LGI, luckily no lasting damage to them. He wanted her to take the car to his garage to get fixed, luckily she rang me. So will be spending this morning on the phone
Brilliant photos again Diff, I really need to learn how to use my camera :D

Have a great day tomorrow folks, take loads of pics. :D:D:D

Absolutely gutted I cant come with you

Was supposed to be sorting my mothers house out. Now I'm sorting horses and my daughters car instead. Some idiot taxi driver ran into the back of her in Leeds last night. She and her friend ended up at LGI, luckily no lasting damage to them. He wanted her to take the car to his garage to get fixed, luckily she rang me. So will be spending this morning on the phone

Hope everyones ok Sue:eek: Good luck sorting everything out and we will miss you tomorrow!
How many are going on this trip?
Would like to tag along as not been out for a few months.
Also need to make sure that i have got the landy ready for end of feb.
Only if there is a space for me that is and i don't get called into work lol.
How many are going on this trip?
Would like to tag along as not been out for a few months.
Also need to make sure that i have got the landy ready for end of feb.
Only if there is a space for me that is and i don't get called into work lol.

You're welcome to come mate,meeting at Mcdonalds leeds road huddersfield at 9am Sunday.
Thank you sir,just made the sandwich's,filled up checked and greased everything so good to go.
I have sorted my fuses, need to make my butties and get everything ready for the morning! See you at mcDs :D
For the sake of Yorkshire based owners, could I just announce a newish 4x4 centre. Which opened just a few months back, and is situated in Ulleskelf. Ulleskelf is 4 miles east of Tadcaster on the Selby road. I dropped my Freelander off yesterday (Friday) just as he was closing. I explained my gearshift was grating as covered in iron filings. He dropped me off at my caravan about a mile away. Brought it back to the site this morning, my Mrs drove him back to his place and he charged me £20.
A taxi would have charged me that, never mind the work on the landy.
Hi 200 i live local to the m18 and was thinking would it be better for me to meet you around that area rather than me come all the way to Huddersfield?
Hi 200 i live local to the m18 and was thinking would it be better for me to meet you around that area rather than me come all the way to Huddersfield?

Right matey we could pick you up in Eyam somewhere,i'm thinking close to 10.30 or sooner if we get there.That is basically where we are starting the loop around the peaks.If that doesn't help let me know and we will try something different.WE are going over the Strines so not coming on the M1.
Right if you give me a post code of what place you will be collecting me from then i will be there, as i do not have any form of maps at the moment. Looking forward to meeting some more LZ members.
Thanks Sue.

Right just been doing some reading up on the peak district and it appears that the locals and other groups are VERY against the 4X4 community,so with that said there will be absolutely NO ****ing about,off piste activity or anything else to give someone a reason to complain.:mad:
Rant over lets all have a good days laning :D

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