Great pics :D Looks like you had a good time, gutted to miss it

I recognise one of those lanes from the Bakewell trip, someone got stuck in front of us on it.
Right where to start,the day started all well and good with a sausage McMuffin and a latte.We then proceeded to embark on the days laning in Derbyshire.The rain was coming down in true yorkshire style and the when we hit Derbyshire it came with snow mixed in,much to the amusement of my son i was getting **** wet through due to a leaking roof somewhere filling the inside gutter on the roof then proceeding to pour out all over me at any deviation from straight and level.As said the first lane was a no go and the second was just i total surprise i just couldn't believe i couldn't get up it then Sarah had a go then Andy tried and just started sliding and trust me it was nothing of a hill:eek: so rather than chew it up any worse than it was we decided to back out hence the diversion in meeting Brian.The proceeding lanes were mainly hard packed dirt/hardcore and narrow walled,they did get a bit tight in some places.We stopped for dinner by which time the sun was trying to break through anyways stopped longer than we should have really (Sarah's fault perving over my toolbox:eek::D)We then and hit some slightly muddier wetter deeper rutted lanes which were good and they were a decent length as well.The day finished with the last lane being blocked by parked cars at the side of a house by this time it was past 5 and we had an 1 3/4 hour drive home so decided to just leave it and make our way home.:)

So this was my first trip in charge,did i learn anything well yes i did.

1 If people are not meeting at the start get contact details.
2 The land under your wheels does not always look like it does on an OS map
3 Left is right,right is left,up is down and down is up all depends on which way you are traveling on the map.
4 Fix the bloody roof.:mad:

All in all i thought it was a good day out with two patient fellow members of lz.Had to do a few U turns but at the end of the day everybody got home safe and in one piece.
Pics of today.








This poor lad jumped of his bike when he saw Sarah coming:D:D



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looked a bit damp in places!
cheers for the pics to all, cheers to slew for the route, cheers to andy for the legwork.
might be there next time........
Well all i can say is i'm sad that i missed a good day on the lanes.
Yes we should have swapped numbers :doh:
Will have to find out when my next weekend day off is, hope it is before we go at end of Feb.
Hope to see you all on a trip out.
Glad that you had a good day and some good pic's as well.
Love the one's in deep water/mud lol.
OK folks, need some advice. I need to get a front prop and send it to Austria, any ideas where the best place to get one is.
Thats a ****,i don't really know anybody else that would ship abroad.

I can collect it and send it by courier I suppose. Perhaps the place in Leeds near work will have one. Will have to ring in the morning
Yeh you could do that if not i think Adventure 4X4 would have one but it will be bloody expensive to send by courier especially next day.

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