Lol, didn't fancy any more neatness/smooth profiling I take it?! :p

Or is there a shroud/trim to follow?

Living the dream when your supercharger is sticking out of your bonnet :D

not bare min will have trim...but have still to make pulley cover as plod wont like that..THOUGH....i here 72 or esarlier not a problem...will be checking into that...

also fancy.....on top....
though that might be ott??!!
Hmmm I've been driving around to AGES with tyres sticking out of arches, plod don't really seem to notice land rovers like they do performance motors.

I wouldn't think too much of exposed pulley, that's the coolest part, would be a shame to hide it. Depends on your plod though I guess.

Also regards the ram scoop, I love them, think it adds so much drama, channels the noise too.

However, how would you plumb that, could you squeeze a pancake filter inside the scoop?

Ideally you want the letters USA on the butterflies, love that.

Anyway do it, be rad :)
Oh yes I see, integral filter, read the blurb dummy :rolleyes:

Anyway if I didn't have a snorkel I would already have a ram scoop, it's a natural privelege of v8 ownership :)
haha I need it for mine unfortunately ;) just fired up the 350 for the first time

gonna give it a proper run in tomorrow once water pump belt is on

well starting da wiring now....thats fun!!but thats my game out looms to lose bits i dont need..( now half the wires) adding immobilsers, as removing becm altogether..making engine loom and autobox ecu talk to each other without becm interface..not a problem

making up gearbox trans tunnel cover and modding p38 h gate to look trick..

pics tomorrow..maybe
Zen did you manage to sort out the issue you had with a thermostat? Just built my 4.0 and don't want to use that silly pigs heart thingy when fitting it to my fender.
naa not finkin is thats leavin to after wiring sorted..

but at worst suspect need a new/ie from 3.9/3,5 thermostate cover that goes on intake manifold..
weell today did more cos again DENIYED access to my daughter!! thermostate..rrc standard will fit.gems intake manifold has ridge cut into it to take dead easy..only other thing to change is the screw in heater pipe adapter..3/4 bsp tapered thread to (in my case) 5/8 tail required.gems is 3/4 tail.

need longer auto shifter cable...pooh

and...thinkin of using oe fan, and electrics as back up...but then again....(av to make cowling etc)

decided not to use oe fan..electrics only..

did more today...a set of headers...rocker off as neede to #### engine hoist mount back abit as was bent, not allowing rocker cover to fit..sorted now..

and typically got to mod this side, as knock sensor in the way..

oil lines done.(engine)..coolent pipes all done..ecu kinda mounted..clips to replace zippy do dars..gas ecu to be mounted under tray

now to the auto selector..thinking of using the classic 4 speed selector as its much neater than the p38 h gate..BUT the stupid interlock is pul not push!!!so now i have to work out how to make a linkage to operate it by a push button on knob LOKAR stlye or "trigger" b and m style..NOT gonna use the poohy classic auto knob..
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That looks absolutely fantastic! What kind of figures (hp/Nm) do you think it might get? Doing to dyno it and find out?

One question though, haven't figured out what these are for? (highlighted)


So uh... where do they go to? :eek:

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