Been interesting reading the comments ref Disco 1. I have had my disco for 8 years, only needed normal service items, so maintenance cost as would be expected until last June 12 months ago. The thermostat failed whilst climbing a typical Welsh hill, blew the cylinder (Foundry 4 x 4) head, so new head fitted at a reasonable £500 incl labour. Unfortunately the tin worm came to light this year through the underseal, this required a new boot and rear (known about the arches and ignored) wheel arches. Before the work was carried out the vehicle had a thorough check to assertain how far the rot had progressed. It stopped at the rear doors, cause leaking alpine roof windows. All panels etc replaced for less than £1K. I now have a car with all the systems/switches/locks working and mechanicaly sound. (Cost on average £188 per annum) I have looked for a replacement. To get one with the hope of not buying someone elses problems were not very good unless I was prepared to pay out a substantial amount "wih NO guarantee". I did read that someone bought one for £900 and still had lots of work to do.
I do have a second car, a citroen some 10 years younger than the disco, it had a failiure with a type of fuse box, cost of renewal and recoding £600 for a piece of plastic.
The disco failed the MOT on the rot problem , so should have a new ticket shortly.
I could have done the welding myself a few years ago, but at 3 score and 14 a little to old to be crawling under the car. Not to old to enjoy a land rover. Bought my first rover in 1963 a series1 for the princely sum of £45, Have owned a number since, and some did go the the scrap yard.
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Hello welshspringer

Last few days I've done the minor bits. So all central locking works.
Rear windows fixed today thanks to Brian 47 pointing me the right way.
Rear door lifted.
Sunroofs reseated.
Still front windows to do when the regulators turn up.
But all small jobs. She is driving taxed and mot'd complete now with kiddie seats in the back .
All still for less than any of the other 7 seaters I've owned.

Yes she isn't gleaming and rust free (surface) but it will come, considering its been just over a month since I picked her up its all going the right way !
The help on here has been fantastic and I am truly grateful for it
Just had delivery of the regulators. So tomorrow's job is sorted.

Any clues to diesel pump leaks?

Pointing down hill seeps from below the spring at front.
Parked up hill no leaks
Welding completed, rot "only in the back" as far as the centre pillar, both sides all down to alpine windows. Sailed through the mot, checked the engine bay etc cannot see any problems. My accoustic mat in the boot is a complete mess, any clues where to get a substitute which will not hold moisture? Now hope to enjoy land rover driving. It is a shame that land rover inc did not do a better job to avoid the disco rot.
Always wanted to buy a range rover, almost bought one of the first, sale price then (1970) one penny below £2000. Certainly won't get one now.
Just had delivery of the regulators. So tomorrow's job is sorted.

Any clues to diesel pump leaks?

Pointing down hill seeps from below the spring at front.
Parked up hill no leaks

Do you mean the FIP, or the lift pump?

Assuming that you checked all the unions and spills for fretting ( I had number 1-2 spill pipe die yesterday!! it was most definitely end of life). the spill return to the FIP can fret on the injector pipework too... spiral wrap round mine to protect it!!

Having just re-read your post - do you mean the spring at the front of the FIP - I.E. the EGR control gubbins?

Which FIP - EDC or not?

LP is a throw away - £20 will get you a decent one.

sounds more like a pipe loose or fretting - didn't you say some welding had been done on the inner wing? - pipe come loose / been "knocked" in the process??

its unlikely to be the FIP.... - as this would most likely be the front seal, and as such would be leaking out of the timing case wading plug hole - which is not what you mention...
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Looking from the front of the engine . Left hand side looks like a throttle cable comes to the top. Just below that is a spring (coiled metal?) Seems to be weeping below that.

But only when facing downhill
There is a pipe off at the back by the bulkhead black rigid plastic 2 90 degree bends that I'm also trying to work out where that is meant to go to

That spring
Blimey! Right then, have edited your first photo... and colour coded some labels....

I'll edit the other one in a few mins!!


  • fred.jpg
    251.1 KB · Views: 116
Looking at your second picture again.... I think I may have answered your question already - if not, then try and label the pipe by editing the photo.

Plenty of free software to do this available online - I use GIMP, which is free, even for windross. ( which is BANNED here!). ( forgive the pop at M$ effort, but I HATE it)

Hope that helps ...... ?
That open ended hard plastic pipe in your second photo looks remarkably like a breather pipe from somewhere, maybe the top of t-box.
If that's the case it should be left open.
Sorry literally took them from the phone when the rain eased off.
Yep the throttle return spring when pointing Downhill there is diesel leaking from there.
As you can see in that pic I've started cleaning the engine up. So am hoping there is muck stuck there that was all thick with black oil and muck this morning. As is the bottom of the engine at the moment. degrease scrubbing brush and copious amounts of rain don't mix well lol.

The second image. It literally comes through the bulkhead and up. And then has just been sitting there not plugged into anything..

I'll crawl about tomorrow see if I can trace the pipe, but breather sounds plausible as there is nowhere I can see that it would fit in.
I've had another look at RAVE and it doesn't show a ventilation or breather pipe on the t-box but it does show one on the top of the main gearbox, close to the gear lever.
Sorry literally took them from the phone when the rain eased off.
Yep the throttle return spring when pointing Downhill there is diesel leaking from there.
As you can see in that pic I've started cleaning the engine up. So am hoping there is muck stuck there that was all thick with black oil and muck this morning. As is the bottom of the engine at the moment. degrease scrubbing brush and copious amounts of rain don't mix well lol.

The second image. It literally comes through the bulkhead and up. And then has just been sitting there not plugged into anything..

I'll crawl about tomorrow see if I can trace the pipe, but breather sounds plausible as there is nowhere I can see that it would fit in.

The pipe you mention is a breather pipe. the clue is that it has a return bend in it. If you follow the axle ones, they will be almost the same at the upper end. As Brian says - this is almost certainly the main gearbox breather - I have taken a pic of mine, but rather obviously, it does not have anything connected with a "stick shift" !!

The diesel leak may be coming from the main input to the pump which is adjacent to the return spring - actually in front of it - you might be able to see this on my pic... might be the OE plastic pipe which has failed - some of mine have, and are now silicon.....


  • bill.jpg
    260.1 KB · Views: 143
Well 180 miles today about half a tank of diesel.

I really need to service her!
No leaks at all though which surprised me.
I'll park her uphill tonight check tomorrow and turn her around then check again tuesday
Well 180 miles today about half a tank of diesel.

That doesn't sound right; that's about 18 to 20 mpg.
Most of the quoted figures put the 300tdi engine at something like 25 to 27 mpg, some people have even quoted 30-32 mpg, but I would take that with a pinch of salt.
If you're not burning it, there could well be a diesel leak somewhere.
It's not been serviced in ages looking at the filters.

I just took her for a motorway trek to Pembrokeshire and back see how she faired.

Checked all round the top of the engine it was as clean as when I left her last night.

I'm giving her a good service next Week will try her on another run next weekend see if that makes a difference. If not ill start searching more.

I'll also clean the bottom of the engine I have another 2 litres of swarfega to be mixed
That doesn't sound right; that's about 18 to 20 mpg.
Most of the quoted figures put the 300tdi engine at something like 25 to 27 mpg, some people have even quoted 30-32 mpg, but I would take that with a pinch of salt.
If you're not burning it, there could well be a diesel leak somewhere.

I can honestly say that on a good run (London & back) 4 adults and 2 teenagers driving at a constant (where possible ) 60 mph returned 38 mpg. My normal run is to Port Eynon (Gower) to Merthyr, normal to use 3 gals 104 mile round trip. Not bad considering the hills to be climbed on homeward stretch. Local driving (Merthyr) is a different matter, circa 25 mpg.

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